73% of Indian techies want to relocate to UAE for better quality of life

According to 80 per cent of Indian tech professionals, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers the ideal environment for tech talent growth, as revealed by a global survey conducted by Capital.com, a leading fintech company in the Middle East.

The survey, conducted via a poll in July 2024, gathered responses from tech professionals in Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and India. Key findings include:

UAE’s work-life quality a key booster: About 73 per cent of Indian tech professionals highlighted the high quality of life as a top reason to relocate to the UAE, with 63 per cent noting its strategic location. One of the key benefits the UAE offers the global workforce is its strong focus on work-life balance.

UAE’s additional benefits to workforce: Around 65 per cent Indian techies consider the UAE a safe and secure environment, while 62 per cent are drawn to attractive salary packages, and 61 per cent value the medical facilities.

UAE as an attractive global work destination: 82 per cent of Indian respondents view the UAE as an appealing place to relocate for work, citing benefits like banking, visa services, special healthcare and health insurance packages, and real estate services for tech professionals. In fact, 61 per cent are actively looking for opportunities to move to the UAE.

UAE as a growing tech hub: Approximately 85 per cent of Indian tech professionals believe the UAE is emerging as a major tech hub—a sentiment shared by 81 per cent of techies across Asia

Global competition for tech talent: Despite the advantages offered by the UAE, only 52 per cent of Indian tech professionals consider the UAE their top choice for work. The main competitors are the United States preferred by 67 per cent of Indian techies, the United Kingdom preferred by 65 per cent of Indian techies, and Singapore preferred by 57 per cent of Indian techies. Other destinations Indian tech professionals are interested in include: Japan with 44 per cent votes, Germany with 41 per cent votes, and Hong Kong with only 17 per cent votes. 

Amid recent concerns over the work-life balance crisis in Indian workplaces, the UAE’s high quality of life and additional perks are attracting Indian professionals to the region, contributing to its growing economy.

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