New research from the CIPD finds that an estimated 4 million* people have changed careers due to a lack of flexibility at work, while an estimated 2 million* have left a job in the last year for the same reason. In response, the CIPD has warned that businesses may face a talent exodus if they fail to offer flexible working options.    The CIPD’s latest report, which explores employee and …

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Poor service costs businesses worldwide an estimated £3.8 trillion each year¹, meaning providing a good consumer experience is key to a company’s success. As discussion grows about the role of have shared six benefits AI can have in improving customer experience. Six benefits of AI for customer experience: 1. Reduces workload AI chatbots can answer customers’ basic inquiries and requests immediately and direct them to online resources, meaning they …

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At some point during the year, one Briton in four is likely to experience a mental health issue, and there is no hiding that work conditions and environment can actively contribute to that figure. Research carried out by Mind UK found that more than one worker in five (21%) has, at least once, called in sick to avoid stressful work situations. Not only that, but it also showed that 42% …

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