The elusive match: Bridging the gap between employee skills and organisational expectations

The contemporary business landscape is changing rapidly. However, a persistent challenge continues to hinder progress: the misalignment between employee skills and organisational expectations. This disconnect, which concerns CEOs and HR managers, is a significant barrier to organisational success. Despite rigorous hiring processes and continuous training, organisations struggle with this gap. Why does it exist, and what steps can organisations take to address it?

The root of the problem

At the heart of this issue is a common oversight: many organisations focus too much on Key Result Areas (KRAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). They are preoccupied with numbers, targets, and metrics, often losing sight of the competencies needed to achieve these goals consistently.

Expecting someone to succeed in a marathon without the necessary fitness training is similar to expecting employees to meet targets without developing the right skills. While employees may meet some goals, can they do it repeatedly? Can they improve over time? That’s where competencies play a critical role.

Building a foundation for success

How can organisations resolve this issue? The answer lies in adopting a more holistic approach. Beyond focusing on numbers, organisations must create a framework that aligns employee skills with long-term organisational goals.

The first step is clarity. Organisations must clearly define their core business competencies—these are the behaviours that drive success. When everyone understands these values, it sets a strong foundation for organisational growth.

Each department also needs its own set of competencies to guide performance in specific roles. These serve as success guidelines and provide a clear roadmap for employees, outlining what excellence looks like in their areas.

Sustaining the alignment

Defining competencies is just the beginning; maintaining alignment is the real challenge. It is an ongoing process that requires consistency and commitment.

Employees must understand not only what they are expected to achieve but also what it takes to get there. Clear communication about the competencies required for each role is essential. These competencies should also be integrated into every stage of the employee experience—from recruitment to feedback, performance management, and career growth.

Assessments, such as regular dipstick studies and competency evaluations, help organisations identify training needs and monitor progress. These tools provide insight into where gaps exist and where improvements are necessary.

The learning revolution

Once organisations identify skills gaps, the next challenge is developing those skills effectively. Many organisations fail here by offering generic upskilling programs that do not engage employees.

A shift is needed in learning strategies. This begins with understanding different learning preferences—some employees learn through hands-on experiences, others through theoretical study or group discussions. Tailored learning modules make training more engaging and effective.

Additionally, motivation plays a key role. Organisations need to create individual development plans that include clear incentives, encouraging employees to invest in their growth. When employees actively participate in their development, they are more likely to apply what they’ve learned.

The road ahead

Aligning workforce skills with organisational expectations is a continuous journey, not a one-time task. It requires ongoing attention and adaptability. However, the rewards are significant: improved performance, greater employee satisfaction, and better business outcomes. Employees feel valued and see clear paths for growth within the company.

Ultimately, creating a balance between individual growth and organisational success is key. When employees thrive, so do organisations. With the right strategies, companies can close the skills gap and build a workforce that meets their needs. While achieving this balance is no easy feat, the future belongs to those who master it.

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