How to softly deal with an employee suffering from hair loss

In today’s competitive business landscape, it’s important to foster a supportive and compassionate environment in the workplace. This is especially true when it comes to physical changes and health issues that your employees may face, including hair loss. Hair loss can significantly affect a person’s self-esteem and confidence, which in turn can impact their work performance. As an employer or HR professional, understanding how to softly handle this sensitive topic can make a world of difference to your employees.

Recognising the Impact of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be a distressing experience for many people, causing feelings of embarrassment, stress, and anxiety. It’s crucial to understand the emotional impact and consider how it might be affecting your employee’s well-being and performance at work. Knowing that you’re aware of their struggle and are willing to support them can be a tremendous relief for your staff.

Initiate a Caring Conversation

Approaching an employee about their hair loss requires delicacy. You need to ensure that the conversation is private, respectful and sensitive. Avoid making presumptive or intrusive comments about their condition, and instead, express genuine concern about their wellbeing. Acknowledge the courage it takes to discuss personal matters and maintain confidentiality about the conversation. The key is to make them feel heard and supported without putting undue pressure on them.

Encouraging Professional Help

Encourage your employee to seek help from a medical professional if they haven’t already. Make them aware of the resources available to them, such as an Employee Assistance Programme, which can provide them with further emotional support and professional advice. If your organisation has private healthcare benefits, remind them that this might cover consultations with a hair loss dermatologist in London, for instance, which could be the first step to finding a solution for their hair loss.

Flexibility and Accommodations

It’s important to be flexible and willing to make necessary accommodations to support your employee. If they are seeing a specialist, they may need to take time off work for appointments. Be understanding and flexible in terms of granting leave or adjusting their working hours as necessary.

Implement a Supportive Company Culture

A positive company culture that encourages acceptance and inclusion is crucial in supporting employees dealing with hair loss or other physical changes. Encourage an environment where employees can feel comfortable being themselves, without fear of judgement or discrimination. This can be facilitated through regular team-building activities, inclusivity training and maintaining an open dialogue about mental health.

Provide Resources

Apart from professional medical advice, providing resources for your employee can be highly beneficial. Resources could include online forums, literature, or support groups for people experiencing hair loss. These resources provide a safe space for individuals to share their experiences, learn from others, and feel less isolated in their journey.

Promoting Workplace Wellness

A healthy lifestyle can be beneficial for hair health, as well as overall physical and mental well-being. Promoting workplace wellness initiatives, such as providing healthy snack options, encouraging regular breaks and physical activity, and offering stress management workshops, can help employees to better manage their overall health.


Supporting an employee experiencing hair loss requires a delicate and compassionate approach. Through open communication, professional support, flexibility, a supportive company culture, and a focus on overall wellness, you can help your employee navigate their hair loss journey with dignity and confidence. Remember, your employee is more than their hair loss – they are an essential part of your team.

Dealing with hair loss can be a challenging journey, but with understanding and support from employers, employees can feel more at ease to handle this personal matter. Our workplaces should always be spaces that celebrate diversity and inclusion, whilst providing the support needed to foster a healthy and productive workforce.

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