Navigating the Future of Learning: Integrating AI and Analytics to Drive ROI

Organizations face a significant challenge in translating learning experiences into tangible business benefits. However, by combining Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics, companies can create tailored learning experiences that match individual needs and learning styles, thereby increasing engagement and improving the ROI of learning initiatives.

To succeed in an ever-changing landscape, organizations must leverage analytics to predict future skill gaps and proactively develop their workforce. AI-driven personalized learning journeys and data-driven measurement of program effectiveness can demonstrate the concrete value of learning investments, helping secure ongoing support from leadership. 

While the advent of AI and Gen AI is creating new, high-skilled tech jobs, a significant skill gap still exists in organizations. According to the PwC Global Annual CEO Survey, 52% of CEOs feel profitability will be impacted due to the lack of technology skills in their teams. Organizations must embrace massive change through transformation across cultural, technical, and talent spectrums. 

To explore these critical issues, Tekstac, in partnership with People Matters, organized a roundtable discussion on “Navigating the Future of Learning” at the Ritz Carlton in Bangalore. This article is based on the discussion points that came out of the panel with about 25 L&D leaders from IT, Tech and GCCs. 

The Talent Landscape

Modern talent transformation requires efficient upskilling and reskilling that aligns with the learning needs of the new generation. Organizations should prioritize continuous learning to shorten the learning cycle and enhance productivity. Learning analytics serves as a crucial tool for designing, developing, assessing, improving, and scaling learning initiatives.

Key Strategies:

Data-Driven Learning: Customization Journey programs target specific audiences, including people managers, technical professionals, high-potential employees, and leaders. Using data, organizations can design targeted assignments and self-assessments for both behavioral and technical competencies, implementing continuous feedback mechanisms. A robust, data-backed competency management system supports training identification, activity design, mentoring, individual development plan management, and talent criticality planning. AI enables organizations to leverage data insights to deliver skills training at the optimal cost, time, and location while minimizing biases.
Career Progression Integration: Learning initiatives must directly connect to career advancement opportunities. Organizations should track whether learners receive promotions or take on new roles. As career movements can be both vertical and horizontal, providing appropriate coaching for growth becomes a critical learning outcome.
Comprehensive Learning Ecosystem: An effective self-driven learning ecosystem requires a platform that distinguishes between independent learning and assigned learning activities. Learning content must remain relevant to organizational needs. L&D teams should design specific learning management systems for various purposes, such as leadership development, individual development plans, and first-time manager training. Creating an opportunity marketplace can help employees shape their careers through personalized learning recommendations and career choices.
Customer-Centric Approach: Advanced learning analytics help organizations understand the skill priorities of both employees and the business, creating a “skill economy” within the organization. Regular pulse surveys provide valuable feedback on career development and learning needs. By listening to employee input, organizations can create self-paced, needs-based learning programs that consider individual aspirations.

Implementation Strategies:

Incentivize Knowledge Sharing: Build an ecosystem of trainers and facilitators, providing incentives such as rewards or establishing dedicated “expert track” career paths to motivate knowledge sharing.
Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Extend learning impact beyond skills development by investing in targeted upskilling programs, particularly for underrepresented groups, through various channels including conferences and external training.
Define and Measure ROI: Establish clear learning objectives in advance and measure them consistently. Foster strong partnerships between L&D and business units to track key metrics such as: 

Number of experts developed per business unit
Innovation output from trained talent
Ratio of trained employees to those promoted or staffed in new roles

Balancing Technology and Human Elements
The Tech Advantage

AI enhances L&D capabilities, from skill assessment to learning path recommendations and leadership evaluation. Generative AI offers additional benefits, such as rapid custom content creation. However, leaders must recognize that employee needs evolve continuously, and successful deployment of trained personnel ultimately determines ROI. Cross-functional collaboration, supported by technology, helps break down operational silos.

The Human Factor

Technology alone cannot bridge the skills gap. L&D teams must leverage human expertise by:

Deploying learning professionals and competency development managers to work closely with business units
Implementing effective models like internship programs for campus hiring
Establishing partnerships with academic institutions
Organizing boot camps for technical talent engagement

Human expertise remains essential in developing comprehensive skilling strategies that encompass upskilling, reskilling, and cross-skilling initiatives.


Today’s workforce expects learning experiences that mirror their personal lives while driving professional growth. Effective L&D programs build trust, strengthen employer-employee relationships, reduce attrition, and boost productivity. 

Learning data impacts multiple aspects of organizational development, including diversity efforts, employee engagement, retention, and hiring practices. By integrating AI and analytics, organizations can carve a new future for learning and drive success for both individuals and organizations.

Success depends on collaboration between L&D and other departments, including talent acquisition, HR business partners, and business units, ensuring alignment with overall organizational objectives.

L&D is a shared responsibility—it’s time to decentralize it and encourage business-wide ownership.

About Tekstac: 

Tekstac is a leading SkillsTech SaaS platform empowering organization for the AI-first era. Trusted by L&D leaders in Fortune 500 companies across IT, Tech, and GCCs, Tekstac drives talent development that fuels business success. 

The platform’s integrated learning experience, connects knowledge to practical application, and it includes:

Native content and third-party integrations
Hands-on practice labs and mentor marketplace
Skills assessment and advanced proctoring
Comprehensive skills analytics and skills intelligence
Overall program management 

Tekstac provides a seamless journey for learners and capability development leaders, with outcome-focused dashboards and analytics. By enabling tech skills capability development and talent transformation initiatives, Tekstac bridges the gap between learning and real-world application in the evolving tech landscape.


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