AI in Action: Strategies on revolutionising HR through AI

AI is fast taking the center stage in enabling HR solve for today and prepare for tomorrow. But how should HR leaders leverage its potential and where can it create meaningful impact?Exploring answers to these questions, joining us for this episode of AI in Action are Heena Naithani, SVP & Head of HR – Digital & Consumer Business at Airtel, and Ramit Gupta, Partner and Talent Transformation Leader at IBM. Together, they shed light on how AI can revolutionise various HR functions, personalise skilling initiatives, and drive significant business impact beyond just chatbot interactions.Key Takeaways:

Personalised Skilling: AI can revolutionise talent development by tailoring learning experiences to individual employee needs. By analysing data on employee performance, preferences, and career aspirations, AI-powered platforms can deliver highly personalised learning content and recommendations. This not only enhances employee engagement but also improves overall productivity and skill levels within the organisation.
Employee Experience Enhancement: AI can enhance the overall employee experience by providing personalised support and services. Chatbots powered by AI can answer employee queries, provide information on company policies, and even assist with scheduling appointments. Additionally, AI-driven analytics can help organisations identify areas where employee satisfaction is low and take proactive measures to address them.
Beyond the Chatbot: While chatbots have become a common application of AI in HR, the true potential of AI lies in its ability to transform the entire HR function. By leveraging AI-powered tools and technologies, organisations can automate routine tasks, personalise employee experiences, and gain valuable insights into their workforce. This ultimately leads to a more efficient, effective, and employee-centric HR department.
Impactful Implementation Strategies: Deploying AI solutions requires a holistic approach involving impactful change management and the ability to bring together different parts of the company to ensure success.

With burgeoning business expectations, AI presents an opportunity for HR leaders to transform their functions and enhance impact. By leveraging its capabilities for personalised skilling, employee experience enhancement, and predictive analytics, organisations can create a more engaged, productive, and successful workforce. As Heena Naithani and Ramit Gupta highlight, the future of HR is one where AI plays a central role in driving innovation and business growth.

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