As Steffen Maier pointed out in a recent issue of Entrepreneur, most companies use annual satisfaction surveys to measure the engagement of their employees. Many HR managers believe that such surveys provide a snapshot to assess how happy their employees are in their workforce. But do these surveys really work? A number of HR leaders now question the accuracy and usefulness of these annual surveys. According to a survey by …

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When you get right down to it, human resources is really all about solving problems. Some of them you’re responsible for solving even before they happen… putting together payroll and benefits systems that make sure employees get paid correctly and on-time, and making healthcare and other services available to employees and just a couple things that fit this description. But as you would expect whenever a big group of people …

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If you’re going into HR, you have to know that the field doesn’t exactly have the greatest reputation among most corporate employees. HR is viewed as a roadblock, a hindrance, a department to be dealt with and avoided as much as possible on the road to getting real business done. Of course, this attitude hurts both employees and the company itself. HR exists for a reason and often has highly-trained, …

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You can’t throw a shoe across the average HR office these days without hitting a couple self-proclaimed organizational development experts. But what exactly is organizational development and what does it have to do with human resources? Organizational development emerged from studies of human relationships and their impacts on organizational performance in the 1930s. Unsurprisingly, the researchers found that the organization itself tended to influence how people behaved and performed. Designing …

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Let’s go ahead and be honest for a moment, okay? It’s a no-brainer that no one is going to love the department that has to say no to vacation time or unapproved expenses. And HR gets hit both ways on hiring… current staff are convinced the new hires are all incompetent, and job candidates all believe the interviews are stacked against them. But that’s just the run-of-the-mill stuff, the cost …

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Nobody in any HR department in America is going to be able to slack off ever again, or at least that’s how it feels right now… Okay, let’s be fair; maybe slacking off is not the right choice of words for teams with a reputation for always being on-task and always stepping up to do the heavy lifting. But ask yourself: did human resources ever get as much done in …

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