Mail scams may be making a comeback, but the quickest, easiest, and most efficient way for a scammer or phisher to steal employees’ identities is to hack into your computer network. These attempts are more common than ever, and making a bad situation even worse — courts are increasingly holding employers responsible once there is a hack. Two recent cases, from two different states, using two different state laws, illustrate …

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Blinking is usually a subconscious natural action that hydrates and cleans your eyes by spreading your tears over their outer surface. It also protects your eye by closing it to keep out dust, other irritants, very bright light, and foreign objects. However, there’s such a thing as too much blinking. Excessive blinking could be a symptom of various issues, some of which may require a trip to your GP. As …

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Industry experts are urging businesses to proactively address statistics which show that two in three UK adults are now overweight or obese – and the science of nudging could be the secret to making it happen. The issue is back in the news after Ansaf Azhar, Corporate Director of Public Health at Oxfordshire County Council, called for a partnership approach to the problem. One that involves authorities and employers alike, …

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Employee expectations are rarely static, and when a new generation joins the workforce, it can cause rumblings. The latest group to enter the workforce is Gen Z – those born from 1997-2012. Many joined the workforce during the great shift to hybrid working and are now experiencing the impact of a rising cost of living. These contextual factors have dramatically impacted what Gen Z expects at work, with priorities ranging …

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75% of office workers would be more likely to stay in a job if they’ve built connections with colleagues,new researchby leading water dispenser brand BRITA VIVREAU has revealed. Employers are facing a staffing crisis with poor mental health being the main cause of long-term sickness in the workforce. Working alongside a colleague has a positive impact on employees’ motivation and stress, this is particularly true for younger workers. 46% of …

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