4 Ways Employers Can Support the Health and Well-being of Remote and Hybrid Workers

Remote and hybrid working models have become increasingly popular since the pandemic. In the UK, at least a quarter of the workforce has shifted to this setup permanently. Employees are largely in favour of this change as it allows for greater flexibility. But it also poses a new set of challenges for employers in terms of how they can offer health and well-being support.

Research indicates that businesses benefit from investing in remote and hybrid workers’ health and can save up to £13.9 million per year whilst increasing employee productivity levels. In this article, we’ll be discussing four ways you can support the health and well-being of remote and hybrid workers for better productivity and morale.

Allow flexible work hours

Based on a survey carried out by the Equal Parenting Project, managers have become more accepting of flexible working, noting that it has resulted in improved productivity. Further research also suggests that flexible working enhances employee engagement and performance, and is essential for staff retention, as well as for attracting top talent. Flexible working can be offered through something as simple as allowing workers to shift their working day by a few hours, either by clocking in early and logging off early or vice versa.

Establish boundaries between work and personal time

In the same vein, remote and hybrid workers must be encouraged to establish boundaries between their work and personal life. Some employees may struggle to switch between work and relaxation due to the lack of change in their environment, which can lead to burnout from overworking. Employees can step in by modelling trust in their employees and encouraging limits to their work. Instruct workers to announce when they’ve begun working and when they’re about to log off to reinforce boundaries. Having a set structure allows workers to predict how their day will go and eases the anxiety they may feel from clocking out.

Advocate for workers’ vision health

One issue that plagues many employees in a remote or hybrid setup is digital eye strain. This is backed up by a report stating that 77% of adults in the UK feel that their eyes are strained after a long work day. Also known as computer vision syndrome, this is the result of prolonged exposure to digital devices and has been found to negatively impact employee productivity and effectiveness. To combat digital eye strain, employers can cover remote workers’ need for prescription and blue light glasses through online retailers like Glasses Direct. They offer home trials that allow customers to try on glasses at home, ensuring a fuss-free way to help your employees protect their visual health.

Offer mental health support

Nearly 30% of UK workers experience isolation and low motivation due to working remotely. Consequently, employees are asking for greater mental health and well-being support in order to address their concerns. For this, employers can make use of wellness apps like Unmind and BetterUp. The Unmind app can help employees proactively measure, understand, and nurture their own mental health. Employers can then facilitate positive change by leveraging insight provided into anonymised data from the app. Alternatively, BetterUp offers virtual, professional one-to-one counselling. BetterUp gives employers the ability to scale personalised care across their organisation and help boost workers’ productivity and performance.

Remote and hybrid workers whose health and well-being are supported through thoughtful policies and carefully crafted programmes are more likely to maintain a healthy work-life balance, resulting in sustainable long-term performance and creativity, ultimately benefiting the company’s overall success.

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