Mark O’Hara, Enterprise Sales Manager and in-house Right to Rent expert at ID-Pal, comments:
How temporary working is accelerating across sectors as people desire flexibility in the face of economic crisis
The current cost-of-living crisis has introduced massive change to the global workforce, after the pandemic made working remotely the new normal for millions of employees.
The pandemic saw organisations hire across key areas to meet demand. Now as the situation returns to a type of normal, we’re seeing the impact of these decisions. Many industries are facing financial pressures, forcing them to either reduce their workforce or choose temporary work contracts to maintain operations without incurring the costs of full-time hires.
While many industries need temporary workers to manage seasonal trade, for example in hospitality and retail, it is also employees themselves that desire temporary work by choice as it fits their needs. A 2022 report by Indeed Flex found 38% of workers stating they chose temporary work because it gave them the flexibility to fit work around commitments such as education, childcare, or their own business.
We have to imagine temporary work is enabling people to pursue not only their own interests but also a better life-work balance, which makes better employees. It is also a popular way to cover increased household expenses, rent or mortgage payments.
The market is competitive, and recruiters can miss out on quality talent if they can’t be onboarded quickly.
How remote Right to Work checks will critically support this influx of temporary recruitment
The COVID-19 pandemic and cost of living crisis has had a significant impact on the global economy, with many businesses facing major financial pressures. As a result, companies are looking for ways to maintain their workforce levels while reducing costs and hiring temporary workers provides the flexibility they need to respond quickly to changes. Many people are also seeking temporary work as a way to gain financial stability in the face of economic uncertainty.
One of the key components of the recruitment process is the Right to Work check. With remote work becoming the new norm, conducting in-person checks is not always possible. This is where remote Right to Work checks are now critical in supporting the rise of the temporary worker. They allow companies to verify an individual’s right to work in the country, without the need for in-person interaction. This helps to ensure that companies are adhering to immigration laws and regulations, while also reducing the time and cost associated with in-person checks
Digital onboarding processes and remote Right to Work checks are playing a critical role in supporting this trend as they make it easy for companies to recruit and onboard a candidate quickly, which is a benefit to choosing them as a company to work for. All this while reducing costs and maintaining compliance with immigration laws and regulations. As the world continues to adapt to the new normal, it is likely that we will see employees continuing to move to temporary work in the next few years and efficiencies around Right to Work checks will be even more in demand.
The value of digital onboarding processes in helping businesses to effectively recruit whilst under financial pressure
A digital onboarding solution that enables remote or in-person identity verification quickly and easily is the right first impression to offer and to avoid losing quality talent, which is the biggest risk when hiring an employee today.
The pandemic moved the world online and so digital-only experiences are the new standard. Now candidates have higher expectations when being onboarded and a delay could mean the abandonment of the recruitment process or choosing another offer at another company. The most seamless, fastest digital onboarding journey will always win out when we have to replicate the in-person experience online.
Showing that your business has secure processes, ensures the safe verification of an employee’s identity, and the whole process takes just seconds, is the better experience – especially when having to complete Right to Work checks.
What’s even better is providers like ID-Pal that are certified under the UK Digital Identity & Attributes Trust Framework (UKDIATF) to conduct Right to Work checks offers additional peace of mind for all parties complying with Home Office guidelines.
There is a clear need to go digital and the savings from using an identity service provider (IDSP) for Right to Work checks are evident. If the process is still manual or at best, hybrid in can take days per candidate, taking up valuable time for both a recruiter and a candidate’s time.
We work with recruiters and HR managers across the UK who can transform the whole process from days to just minutes, using real-time identity verification to conduct Right to Work checks.
The post Rise of temporary workers appeared first on HR News.