Walmart sued for dismissing worker with Crohn’s disease
The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is taking retail giant, Walmart, to court for violating the Americans With Disabilities Act, after it dismissed a North Carolina employee who had Crohn’s Disease. The worker, Adrian Tucker, was fired in 2017, following nine “unauthorized” absences during a six-month period – absences that Walmart said violated its attendance and punctuality policy. According to the complaint filed in the Charlotte, North Carolina federal court, Walmart did not excuse several absences – even though Tucker provided bosses with doctor’s notes. The EEOC claims Walmart rejected Tucker’s requests for periodic leave or a transfer to a job nearer the bathroom. Tucker was a long-term employee who needed “flexibility” from Walmart because of her debilitating health condition, EEOC lawyer Melinda Dugas said in a statement. She added: “The Americans with Disabilities Act was created to protect employees like [her].” The lawsuit seeks back pay and punitive damages for Tucker, and demands an end to similar future discrimination.