Why your employer brand could be turning Gen Z talent away

Every business has an employer brand (a reputation that exists in the combined perceptions of current and potential recruits), and if it’s positive it can work wonders during recruitment drives.

However, a negative employer brand could be placing a hefty financial drag on a business growth and profitability, increasing recruitment costs and ultimately the salary bill.  So it is crucial businesses pay attention to how they project and protect their employer proposition to their target recruits.

Gen Z in particular, want greater depth of information about their employer than ever before. This includes its ethical principles and commitment to equality and diversity, so openly communicating company values is essential for any business hoping to attract graduates.

Sensu Insight’s research found that 31% choose to work for employers who proactively prioritise diversity and inclusion in their workforce compared to just 11% of Gen X. 32% of graduates would not work for a company that didn’t seek gender parity in pay (compared to 17% of Gen X), while 32% also want to know their employer invests in responsible and sustainable business (compared to 14% of Gen X).

Having grown up with a digital world at their fingertips, Gen Z also pay attention to poor reviews of employers on sites like Glassdoor and discussions within graduate and worker forums, and businesses who do not track and deal with this effectively could be blocking talent from applying.

A business may also turn candidates away by keeping quiet about company culture to prospective hires, whereas they may benefit from sharing things like employee benefits and staff testimonials on social media channels like LinkedIn.

In a feature, Steve Leigh, managing director of research, measurement and evaluation consultancy Sensu Insight, can discuss the importance of prioritising employer brand, how this can be measured and the significance of listening to employees. Steve can also discuss where brands go wrong in terms of how they communicate their proposition and strategies brands can implement to correct this.

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