5 reasons you’re not getting promoted

An opportunity for a promotion has come up at work again. You think you’re perfect for the job, you’ve been working hard, you know the company inside and out… and yet again, you’ve not been chosen to rise up. But why? And what could you be doing differently?

Sometimes it takes more than qualifications to be recognised for progression, and there are a few things that could be holding you back. According to Google trend data, searched for “how to get a promotion” have risen by 152% in the last month, so Cristiano Winckler at Somebody Digital reveals 5 reasons why you might not be getting the promotion you want.


Great work deserves recognition, but sometimes contributions and soft skills can fly under the radar – especially if you don’t feel able to speak up and clearly communicate your achievements to those higher up. Particularly in large companies with lots of employees, your boss might not be aware that you perhaps have skills that would make you a strong leader, in addition to the skills you have for your current position. Make sure you make your skills and abilities known, rather than assuming someone will notice them eventually.

Don’t be afraid to speak up about your career development and advocate for your progression. Schedule regular meetings with your manager to discuss what you want from your career, and that you’d like to take on more responsibilities and move up the ladder. Be prepared to demonstrate skills and achievements that would make you a strong leader.


While kindness and being a team player are great traits in a manager, saying yes to everything and being a people pleaser can hold you back from getting promoted. You might feel like you can’t take initiative or express your opinions, no matter how valuable they may be, and can find it difficult to provide negative feedback when you needed to. You might also spend too much time making others happy and taking on extra work to actually highlight your achievements and successes, meaning that you’re less visible to managers when they’re looking for people to promote.


Open communication and trust are essential, and if you have a bad relationship with your manager, it can affect your chances of getting a promotion. You might see yourself as someone who performs perfectly, but without actively seeking feedback – and most importantly, listening to and taking on board the feedback you’re given – you’ll never know the areas for improvement that are holding you back, and making them not put you forward for promotion.


Even if you have a great relationship with your manager, constructive criticism can sting – especially if your opinion of your work is very different. But if you get defensive or dismissive when your manager offers feedback and advice, you miss out on an opportunity for growth, as well as showing them that you don’t value their input and authority. It can also signal to them that you might not be able to give constructive feedback to those below you, if you were to be in charge of a team.


Sometimes the reason you’re not being promoted is the most obvious – you simply don’t have the skills or training for the role. But this doesn’t mean you could never be promoted, and it also doesn’t always mean you need a whole new degree to move up the ladder. The skills you need might be easily gained by a few training courses or shadowing someone currently in the role you want, or even just working on softer skills, like problem solving and emotional intelligence.

Being a good manager goes beyond being good at your job; you also need to demonstrate that you can provide a positive work environment, build relationships, delegate, and manage the performance of those in your team. Remember to keep seeking new knowledge, training, and ways to expand your expertise – whether that comes from online courses and qualifications, or simply those around you. Don’t assume that you know everything, you can always learn something new!

Remember that a promotion isn’t guaranteed, even if you’re doing absolutely everything right. So if there’s a lack of opportunity for growth where you are now, perhaps it’s time to explore something new, where your talent and skills can be put to good use!

The post 5 reasons you’re not getting promoted appeared first on HR News.

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