800,000 shift workers in the UK struggle with insomnia

‘Shift work disorder’ is a form of insomnia that is only experienced by people who work shifts. In fact, roughly one in five shift workers experience this disorder, suggesting there are 800,000 workers in the UK alone who are significantly struggling to sleep and perform at work. 

The disorder can see a shift worker lying awake for hours on end when they are ‘supposed’ to be sleeping, due to a disruption with the circadian rhythm. By not getting a minimum of 7 hours of sleep, there can be a greater risk of injury and mistakes made, as well as developing insomnia.  

In fact, shift workers are actually more at risk of accidents in the workplace or when commuting to and from work than those with a ‘typical’ sleeping pattern. Tiredness and fatigue caused by shift work sleeping disorder can increase fatigue when driving, and if you’re working in healthcare or operating heavy machinery, this can be particularly dangerous. Read on to discover top tips for getting better sleep when working shifts. 

Expert reveals 8 tips for hacking your sleep schedule when working shifts

Leave a note on your front door for delivery drivers or post

There’s nothing worse than finally getting to sleep and hearing your doorbell ring. While you can’t eliminate all outdoor noise, you can control your own house. Add a note to the door that asks people not to use the doorbell due to you sleeping.

Wear an eye mask and try blackout blinds or curtains

Daylight reduces the production of melatonin, which is the hormone that makes you ready to sleep. Blackout blinds are a great option to create darkness, and door draft excluders block the light coming through the bottom of the door. If you would rather opt for curtains, choose floor-length curtains to ensure light does not come through the bottom.

Eye masks are great to even further enhance your sleep, but make sure to choose breathable materials such as cotton and satin.

If you can’t sleep, try a 20-minute tactical nap 

A 20-minute nap is the optimal amount of time, as you will not enter a deep sleep cycle which could leave you feeling much groggier than before. Try not to nap for longer than 20 minutes, as that is when you do risk a nap turning into a deep sleep cycle.

Some people even swear by the ‘caffeine nap’. This involves drinking a cup of coffee and instantly taking a nap for around 20 minutes. Once you wake up, the caffeine will have taken effect – it typically takes 15-20 minutes – so you have an energy boost for going back to work.

Add an hour to your bedtime each night before starting night shifts 

If you are due to start working night shifts, start adding an extra hour to your bedtime a few days before this happens. If you typically go to bed at nine, change it to 10 and so on. 

This should help set you up for a new sleep routine, where you will be going to bed later, and avoid any dramatic changes which will knock your circadian rhythm out of sync.

Consider your shift rotation before working 

The way your shift rotates influences your sleep. The ideal case would be to change shifts from day to afternoon to evening. That way, your body can naturally get used to the changes in work and sleep – plus, it’s a more natural occurrence than switching from day to night. 

Of course, this is not always in your control, but it is worth suggesting to your employer. Additionally, rotating shifts every few days as opposed to weekly can be easier to transition your sleep.

Make sure your comforts are waiting for you in your bedroom

If you have started a new shift pattern, your bedroom comforts can help you sleep. What we mean by that is getting your favourite pyjamas ready for sleep, as well as your favourite bedspread or sheets. 

These little comforts, while minimal, can really encourage you to sleep and calm your mind when it is time for bed. Anything you can do to trick your brain into thinking it is time for sleep can help reduce any chances of suffering from sleep disturbances.

Take extra care of your physical health at work 

As previously mentioned, shift workers are more at risk of accidents at work due to poor sleep. It is crucial that you move slower and take more time to work or drive. It’s better to take that little extra time than to risk yourself or others. 

However, if you do feel too tired to drive, take 20 minutes to nap and recharge before driving.

Most importantly, listen to your body 

Only you know your sleep patterns best. So if you feel the need to sleep, sleep. Don’t fight it, your body is telling you what it needs. Always listen to what your body needs.

The post 800,000 shift workers in the UK struggle with insomnia appeared first on HR News.

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