Recruitment Experts Reveal The Top Ways AI Can Help Or Hinder The Recruitment Process

In a world where AI is fast becoming an integral part of our daily lives, its influence is increasingly infiltrating the recruitment world. Tiger Recruitment, a global leader in recruitment, have put together the advantages of working with AI in your recruitment processes as well as what recruiters and job seekers alike, should be wary of with this new tool. 

HELP: AI can support writing and sorting through CVs 

AI is changing how job applications work, and tools like ChatGPT can help job seekers make their CVs shine by suggesting important keywords from job descriptions that should be featured more or less in their CVs. This is one of the key ways that AI is helping to ensure job seekers’ CVs make it past that difficult first stage of screening. However, AI doesn’t stop there, it also helps recruiters by quickly sorting through piles of CVs and looking for those keywords, this helps to save precious time and ensure they don’t miss out on top talent.

HINDER: AI can be biassed during hiring 

Using AI in recruitment brings efficiency but also a risk of bias. Recruiters have to ensure that they’re mindful of candidates that are suggested to them by AI. This is because AI tools usually suggest things that are based on patterns and algorithms from historical data and might inadvertently overlook equally qualified applicants. Therefore, using AI recommendations as a starting point, rather than an ultimate answer, and ensuring a human touch in the final decision-making processes can help create fair and impartial recruitment practices.

HELP: AI Personalises Candidate Recommendations

AI is excellent at personalising candidate recommendations, the tool can do this by analysing a candidate’s past experiences, skills, and preferences. Then, it can then suggest jobs that would be a great match for the candidate. This saves recruiters time which in turn means they have more availability to focus on getting to know the candidates better and making sure they would fit in well with the company. This helps the hiring process go smoothly, makes candidates happy, and helps companies keep their employees for longer.

HINDER: AI Can Lead to Data Privacy Concerns

As AI processes vast amounts of candidate data, there’s a risk of data privacy breaches. Mishandling or misusing candidate information can result in legal and ethical issues, damaging an organisation’s reputation and trust among candidates. Recruiters must take careful precautions to protect sensitive data and comply with data protection regulations, such as GDPR. It’s essential to strike a balance between AI’s data-driven efficiency and the vital need to protect candidate privacy.

Navigating AI’s integration in recruitment deserves a considerate approach, especially in areas such as ensuring compliance with legal standards and protecting candidate data. It is also crucial to maintain the vital human touch element that is needed in the recruitment process.

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