HR’s Guide to Managing an Ecommerce Business Workforce

Ecommerce businesses have become mainstream because a lot of people use smartphones and the internet daily. All they have to do is visit a website or log into an application to place an order and the product will arrive on their doorstep in days. Unbeknownst to the customer, a lot of things go on behind the scenes to facilitate this process.

There are many departments and workers in an ecommerce business. This ranges from software developers who build and manage the online platform to dispatch riders who deliver the packages. HR professionals have to manage the entire workforce to ensure everyone is performing their assigned duties optimally.

One of the main competitive advantages an ecommerce business can have is the ability to deliver packages quickly. This is why Amazon has a large portion of the ecommerce market share. Any online business that wants to gain and retain customers should ensure they have quality products that can be delivered as quickly as possible.

To facilitate this rapid delivery, there needs to be an efficient order fulfilment team to process customer orders. The human resources department is responsible for hiring and managing people in this team. Alternatively, they can outsource this part of the business to a reliable third-party ecommerce fulfilment service company like Delta Fulfilment. This will save costs and let HR focus on other parts of the business.

Human Resource Management Tips

To properly manage an ecommerce company’s workforce, HR professionals should consider the following tips:

Recruit carefully

For a business to succeed, it needs skilled and dedicated employees. Recruiters should prioritise skill, experience, dedication, and commitment when hiring new employees. This will make their job easier down the line because the new recruits will not need to be micromanaged to perform effectively.

Perform periodic performance reviews

Performance reviews are important because they let HR professionals know the employees that are fulfilling their duties and those that are holding the company back. They can put underperformers on probation and a training program so they can improve and serve the company better. If not, HR should let them go and find better replacements.

This performance review should also extend to third-party partners. HR and the logistics department should review the performance of the fulfilment company they outsource their deliveries to to verify if they are working according to the standards set in their contract.

Maintain job satisfaction

Many employees need to be satisfied at their jobs to give their best. Human resource professionals should do things that make the workplace better. Some examples of these are offering bonuses for outstanding performance, having an appropriate number of annual paid time off days, and calm resolution of internal disputes.

If employees are unsatisfied or feel the business has a toxic work environment, they will leave. If those negative conditions are left unaddressed, their replacements will also leave. If this happens long enough, the company’s turnover rate will be high and their reputation will suffer.

Pay competitive salaries

Although this is not something in total control of HR professionals, they can communicate with the management team when the salary budgeted for a specific role is less than the industry standard. If workers feel they are underpaid, they will quiet quit and actively look for new places to work.


The role of HR in an ecommerce business is similar to those in other types of companies. They have to recruit smartly and manage every employee in their workforce to ensure and sustain efficiency. They should pay close attention to the performance of the logistics team or their ecommerce fulfilment partner to make sure customers receive the items they order as quickly as possible.

The post HR’s Guide to Managing an Ecommerce Business Workforce appeared first on HR News.

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