Preparing for Domain Transfers – What You Need to Know

Domain transfers involve moving a domain name from one registrar to another. In addition to changing registrars, the domain hosting and DNS settings need to be updated to point to the new provider. By following key steps, you can ensure a smooth transition during the transfer.

Research Potential New Registrars and Hosting

Not all registrars are created equal. Before initiating a transfer, thoroughly research options to find a reliable registrar and hosting provider that fit your needs. Look for registrars with positive reputations, competitive pricing, and excellent customer support. Pay attention to their domain transfer process and any associated fees. Also evaluate potential new hosting providers based on factors like uptime, speed, security features, and technical support.

Unlock Your Domain

Domain transfers require your current registrar to unlock the domain so authorization codes can be issued. Log into your account and look for an option to remove the registrar lock. This is sometimes labeled domain unlock, transfer lock status, or something similar. The process can take 1-5 days for the unlock to fully propagate.

Enable Transfer Lock After Unlocking

Ironically, you must re-enable the transfer lock at your current registrar after unlocking the domain. This prevents unauthorized transfers during the unlock period. Make sure transfer lock is re-enabled before proceeding.

Get Authorization Code

Once unlocked and locked again, you can request the domain’s authorization or EPP code from your current registrar. This acts like a password to authorize transferring your domain. Keep this code safe as you’ll need it for the transfer.

Point Domain to New Registrar

Now you are ready to initiate the domain transfer within your new registrar’s account. Provide your current domain name and the authorization code from your old registrar. This will start the official transfer process.

Update Name Servers for New Hosting

As part of the transfer, you’ll need to change the domain’s DNS settings to point to name servers at the new domain hosting provider. Make sure DNS records are updated so the domain continues resolving correctly. You may need to recreate records for email or subdomains.

Let Transfer Propagate

Give the transfer time to fully propagate through domain systems, which can take up to seven days. Monitor the process and address any issues like DNS errors. Avoid making further DNS modifications during this period while changes propagate.

Confirm Transfer Completion

Check your new registrar account to confirm the transfer is fully completed. Log into your old registrar as well to verify the domain is no longer in that account. You may need to accept emails or log into both accounts to finalize the switch.

Update Registrant Info

With the transfer done, update the domain’s registrant contact information in the new registrar’s account. This ensures you continue receiving renewal and other notices. You can modify or transfer ownership details as desired.

Renew Transferred Domain

If your domain was close to expiration before the transfer, renew it within the new account right away. This extends the registration so it remains active. Even if it is not expiring soon, renew it to have it on your new registrar’s renewal cycle.

Careful coordination of registrars, hosting, DNS settings, and propagation time will help you smoothly transition domains. Evaluate new registrars and hosting providers in advance for an optimal switch.

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