Astrology expert reveals which star signs make the best bosses (and which make the worst bosses)

Some bosses are a dream to work with, leaving us feeling positive and fulfilled after a long day – others become demanding and draining, quickly. The type of boss we end up with is a complete luck of the draw, but the zodiac might be able to help us understand them better.

Employability testing specialists Practice Aptitude Tests wanted to delve deeper into who makes the best/worst bosses and if their qualities were written in the stars.

They spoke to renowned astrologer and celebrity psychic, Inbaal Honigman who revealed that different star signs have different gifts when it comes to leadership.

“Earth signs are the most dependable leaders, Water signs are the most attentive bosses, Fire signs are motivated, and Air signs are smart.

“But every sign has imperfections when it comes to leadership too. Earth signs tend to lack creativity as bosses, Water signs can be inconsistent, Fire signs get annoyed easily and Air signs can lack the ability to give regular praise and feedback.”

Although weaknesses will be found in each sign under the zodiac, Inbaal says there are certainly signs that make for better leaders.

The best bosses of the zodiac?


“There’s no one sign that comes close to being a better boss than Leo. Ruled by the Sun, the zodiac sign of Leo is born to lead. This passionate fire sign loves to stand in front of people and take charge – leadership is in their blood. They lead by example, as they themselves always strive for excellence.

“If you’re not as committed as they are, they’ll do their best to motivate you, but they will not tolerate a negative attitude.”


“Ruled by Mercury, planet of communication, Virgo is fantastic at managing people. Empathetic and good at listening, they’re great at communicating to you the exact requirements of the job. Your role will be clearly defined under a Virgo boss, and you won’t be expected to do anything that’s not in the brief.

“Virgo bosses are also very neat and tidy, and they’re specific with their instructions, so you can’t cut corners or be slap-dash around them.”


“Ruled by Venus, planet of love, Libra makes a balanced and attentive boss. These graceful air signs are good listeners, and good peacemakers.Those petty arguments that plague all offices – Libra won’t have them! They will ensure that you clear the air and have a positive, empowering working environment.”


“Ruled by Mercury, planet of communication, Gemini makes for a very fun leader. Sure, they might not turn up to work on the odd occasion, and lack organisation and sticking to goals or schedules. But everyone will love them when they turn up with a box of muffins for everyone, because for Gemini, the party never stops.”

The worst bosses of the zodiac?


“Ruled by Neptune, planet of dreams and illusion, Pisces struggle to tell you exactly what they need from you.

“Pisces communicate sweetly and sensitively, but you leave the meeting room not knowing whether they gave you a job to do, or whether you were just having a chat. On the positive side, they’re not great delegators, so if you end up not doing your assignment, they’ll just do it for you and let you keep the credit (in some cases).”


“Ruled by Jupiter, planet of luck and miracles, a Sagittarius boss is a wild ride. They’ll give you a project, then forget all about it. They’ll go out to meet a colleague for lunch, then get caught up in the sales and abandon the meeting. Sagittarians like to live life unpredictably which isn’t the best quality in leadership.

“Jupiter also governs big business, wealth and expansion, so Sagittarius can find themselves at the top through sheer luck and likeability.”

Self-awareness and growth is key for any good leader, and you can regularly improve upon your leadership skills and undertake further personality profiling.

The post Astrology expert reveals which star signs make the best bosses (and which make the worst bosses) first appeared on HR News.

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