Best Practices for Employers Conducting Criminal Record Checks

The job market today is highly competitive, especially because employers now don’t just look for talent and qualifications but they also do a background check combined with a criminal record check. Employers use these checks to get more info about a candidate’s background and make informed hiring decisions. 

Conducting criminal record checks is more common for industries involving sensitive information or vulnerable populations. In fact, in these industries conducting these checks is often a legal requirement. With these checks, employers can protect their reputation, safeguard their workplace, and show due diligence in their hiring practices. 

Different Types of Criminal Record Checks 

For employers, it is important to learn about various types of criminal record checks they can conduct before hiring. Each type serves a unique purpose and should be conducted by a reputable service provider. For instance, Triton Canada is one example, considering they can run a complete criminal record check and offer assistance when employers require more details about an applicant’s background. These reputable companies can help with various types of criminal record checks, such as:

Criminal record check (CRC): It’s the most common check run by employers and is suitable for positions that don’t involve significant trust.

Enhanced police information check (E-PIC): It offers more details as compared to the CRC, as it also reports additional judicial matters, such as warrants, charges, prohibition orders, peace bonds, and probation orders. 

Vulnerable sector check (VSC): It’s the most detailed type of record check suitable for individuals in specific industries, or for those required to work with sensitive populations, such as the elderly and children. It also includes info about any record suspensions related to sexual offences.

Other than these, many employers now also go with social media background checks. These checks help evaluate an applicant’s cultural fit, professionals, and potential risks associated with hiring.  Some red flags for employers conducting social media background checks include obscene language, hate speech, threats of violence, drug related images, and so on.

Irrespective of what type of check an employer wants to conduct, they should always pay attention to some best practices to ensure the process is legal, fair, and respectful of candidates’ rights. For instance:

Employers should obtain informed consent from the applicant before conducting any check and explain the purpose as well. They should also clearly explain the type of information they will collect and how they will use it.

Learn about the right time to conduct background checks after making a conditional offer of employment, as it protects employers from becoming accused of discrimination. They must also communicate the timing of the check clearly to all candidates.

Employers should only ask for background checks when they know they have a proper setup to protect candidates’ privacy. They must clearly determine who will have access to the information. It is also vital to use secure storage methods, such as locked physical storage or encrypted digital files. 

Employers must interpret results fairly while considering the nature of the offence and its relevance to the job. They should also consider the time elapsed since the offence and discuss concerns with the candidate to learn about any rehabilitation efforts. 


Getting in touch with a professional service offering detailed, accurate, and secure methods of conducting criminal record checks is vital. However, employers must follow the best practices and avoid discrimination based on protected grounds, such as gender, race, or pardoned criminal convictions. Finally, it is important to conduct these record checks in a way that is legal and effective in finding the best candidate for the company.

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