Boosting Company Culture and Engagement with Custom Employee Merchandise

Company swag has evolved from just an afterthought to a big part of creating an amazing company culture in modern workplaces. Swag isn’t just about promotional pens and generic T-shirts anymore—companies can now look to creative and customised merch to bring their teams together. Providing employees with personalised apparel and accessories not only boosts morale but also reinforces the brand’s identity.

Adding well-designed, high-quality company merch to employee programmes can help companies strengthen their workplace cultures, making them more exciting to be a part of. That creates a ripple effect, leading to better productivity, loyalty, and satisfaction all around.

So let’s delve into the power of custom employee merchandise and see how something so simple can make such a huge impact on the workplace.

Key Takeaways

Custom employee merchandise plays a big role in encouraging belonging, pride, and unity among team members to ultimately strengthen company culture and engagement.Implementing a custom employee merchandise programme requires an understanding of employee needs and likes, designing meaningful products, ensuring quality and sustainability, and setting up effective distribution channels.Company swag has a positive impact on brand visibility and recall, which makes it an essential tool in improving external brand image and the internal workplace environment.Investing in unique and creative company swag helps businesses elevate employee motivation, loyalty, and general satisfaction for better productivity and company success.

The Power of Custom Employee Merchandise

The Advertising Specialty Institute found that consumers are 2.5x more likely to view promotional products positively compared to internet advertising. This positive brand recall carries over to employees, with well-designed company swag spreads a sense of pride within the team and fosters greater connections and engagement.

Sporting personalised and unique items tied to your workplace can create a sense of belonging among employees – making them feel like they’re part of something bigger. In fact, a PPAI Research study found that 62% of people feel appreciated when they receive promotional products from their employer. 

These customised goodies not only build stronger bonds between employees and their company but also serve as a fantastic way to recognize and reward their hard work and achievements, making them feel valued and motivated to keep up the good work. 

Finally, a collection of cohesive branded items can unite the workforce and promote team spirit. This sense of togetherness and collaboration has the power to significantly improve productivity and job satisfaction.

Implementing a Custom Employee Merchandise Programme

Getting ready to implement a custom employee merchandise programme starts with really understanding your employees’ preferences and needs to help you come up with the perfect company swag ideas. Remember, you’ll want to make the programme engaging and meaningful by designing products that resonate with the company’s values and culture. That way, the merchandise becomes extra special and even more appreciated.

But, of course, quality and sustainability also matter. When selecting materials and suppliers for your merchandise, consider these factors to showcase your company’s commitment to the environment while making a positive impression on your brand. And to make this programme truly successful, you need to establish an efficient distribution system so all employees have easy access to these products. 

Once everything is in place, your customised employee merchandise is bound to become the talk of the office and strengthen company culture and engagement.

To achieve this, here are a few more tips to keep in mind when launching your company merchandise programme:

Give your employees a voice in the decision-making process: Instead of just guessing what they’d like, sending out surveys or organising a brainstorming session can give you valuable insights into the types of merchandise they’d actually use. This level of involvement will also help employees feel that their voice matters.Keep variety top of mind: Since your employees are a diverse group, consider a wide range of products to cater to their unique tastes. You can provide a mix of different apparel options, such as t-shirts or hoodies, and practical items like tote bags or reusable bottles.Stay up-to-date with trends: Select swag ideas that reflect current trends for added appeal and to demonstrate the company as forward-thinking. A blend of timeless classics and trendy items will strike the perfect balance.Don’t skimp on design: Invest in the design process for visually appealing and well-thought-out graphics. Consider collaborating with a professional designer or tapping into the talents within your team so the merchandise reflects the company’s identity and ethos in the best way possible.Refresh your swag offerings: Keep things fresh and exciting by updating your catalogue or introducing limited edition items for special events or milestones. Employees will look forward to new merchandise offerings and be more motivated to engage with the programme.

Company Swag: What It Is and Why It Matters

So, what exactly is company swag, and why is it important? Company swag encompasses branded goodies such as personalised t-shirts, hats, notebooks, and more, made to represent companies and bring their employees together. It goes beyond just visual appeal; swag can have a profound influence on brand visibility and recall, making it easier for people to remember the company each time they use that water bottle or wear that cosy hoodie. 

Interestingly, brand recall is the biggest contributor to lift. But it’s not all about enhancing the brand’s image – company swag also plays a crucial part in fostering a positive company culture and boosting overall brand recognition. When employees use these items, they feel more connected to the organisation’s values, goals, and mission, all while serving as ambassadors for the brand.

Neal Taparia, founder of Cribbage-Online underscores this. “Create swag that your employees will want to wear. Not only make sure they are well-designed and fun, but if they’re clothing, make sure they are comfortable. We invested in a premium sweatshirt for our team and found that our employees loved wearing it to represent our company and because it was so comfortable.”


Have more questions about custom employee merchandise and what it can do for your company? Read on.

What is company swag and how does it contribute to employee engagement?

Company swag, which includes things like custom apparel and accessories, is all about showcasing a company’s brand and connecting employees. By creating a sense of belonging, pride, and connection to the company’s mission and culture, this swag helps boost employee engagement. Plus, it’s a great way to recognize and reward the hard work of your team, lifting spirits and motivation levels in the process.

What types of custom employee merchandise can be offered?

Companies have a trove of options when it comes to custom employee merchandise, ranging from personalised apparel such as T-shirts, hoodies, and caps, which allow team members to showcase their company pride. Functional items like branded water bottles, notebooks, and tote bags can add a touch of convenience and flair to employees’ daily routines. For a more unique and playful twist, consider offering creative items like custom socks, phone cases, or reusable coffee cups to brighten up the selection.

How can organisations assess employee preferences for custom merchandise?

Companies can get a better understanding of what employees want in custom merchandise by carrying out surveys or polls, as well as requesting direct input and ideas during team meetings or through internal communication platforms. Keeping an eye on trends and interests that are popular among team members can also provide valuable insights for incorporating those elements into the design of the merchandise.

How can custom employee merchandise contribute to building a strong company culture?

Custom employee swag plays a huge role in developing a solid company culture by creating a feeling of pride and belonging within the team. When items are personalised and hold special meaning, it really helps to deepen the connection between employees and the company’s values and objectives. Including these unique pieces in recognition and reward programmes can also promote teamwork and togetherness, ultimately boosting workplace happiness and morale.

The post Boosting Company Culture and Engagement with Custom Employee Merchandise appeared first on HR News.

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