Bringing Gen AI to the Forefront of Doing Business and Engaging the Workforce: PMTechHRIN

From “inspiration to action” lies at the core of People Matters TechHR India 2024! Looks like the trending HR conference is in cahoots with the latest kid on the block – Gen AI, as GenAI too jumps onto the “experimentation to action” bandwagon! 

The recent release of GPT-4o to the public for free, brings the vision of Sam Altman, founder of OpenAI, to the real world.

Our initial conception when we started OpenAI was that we’d create AI and use it to create all sorts of benefits for the world. Instead, it now looks like we’ll create AI and then other people will use it to create all sorts of amazing things that we all benefit from.

Indeed, enterprises are leaving no stone unturned to bring the benefits of Generative AI to people and organisations. As per the Conference Board survey of CHROs in late 2023, they found that 61% plan to invest in AI to streamline HR processes in 2024.

AI’s applications in HR are many – to transform the people experience, be it the candidate experience through AI-created job descriptions and interview guides, or the employee experience through personalised learning interventions, engagement surveys, smart policy drafting, and much more! Especially relevant in the wake of productivity and efficiency demands, companies are already shifting their AI focus beyond merely implementing chatbots or experimenting with trendy tools. Its adoption has the potential to accelerate India’s growth trajectory

Unravelling Gen AI Learnings @ Tech HR 2024

Yet, many HR leaders are still at the start of their GenAI journeys but will either get access to GenAI capabilities through their pre-existing HR technology providers or will go out and acquire new GenAI tools by mid-2024, according to Gartner.

Because this year is all about getting ready to move from rethinking to executing! We will help you turn your ideas into impactful outcomes! 

Our Opening Keynote by best-selling author and co-founder, of Nexxworks, Peter Hinssen, talks about how businesses can harness digital disruption to thrive, and not just survive, using the “Phoenix mindset”. This interesting session shall further open up more avenues, as business and HR leaders explore the three tenets of TechHR: 

SPEED: What better role model than Gen AI, which has taken the world by storm and changed the very avenues of tech, within a matter of few months since its launch! Not just in its introductory form, but improvising and delivering to speed as per need! We sure can take a leaf out of this story and indulge in some productive tete-a-tete with the FireSide Chat on “Are you investing enough in productivity”. 

SUSTAINABILITY: AI and sustainability have been a hand-in-hand conversation since AI’s inception. Will it disrupt for good or bad? Will it enable and empower humans, or snatch away their jobs and spur social unrest? HR leaders are constantly trying to seek right answers to these questions and more. A unanimous opinion emerges: as we enter the age of AI, it becomes even more important to strengthen our human capabilities of curiosity, empathy, and language. Gain practical perspective in the KeyNote Session: “Being Human in the Age of AI” by Jaspreet Bindra, MD, Tech Whisperer, and let’s demystify Generative AI and how it will transform work, the enterprise and humanity itself! Another Power Panel on “Collaborative Rise of Humans and Machines” also touches upon the journey of crafting future-ready, ethically responsible, and sustainable ecosystems that foster synergies between human creativity and machine precision. 

RESILIENCE: HR leaders are facing a tough time managing AI-led challenges such as data protection, governance and ethical concerns. The key to maximising the benefits and minimising risks of any HR tech is to integrate the tech into the organizational culture. The Keynote session on “Culture of AI: Befriending Emerging Tech for Efficiency” shall enlighten us on how to ensure that employees not only shed their fears of job displacement by artificial intelligence but eagerly welcome AI as a collaborative ally in personal and professional growth. Now is the time for CHROs to wield critical influence in sculpting resilient organizations, and the “CHRO Panel: Role of CHROs as architects of Resilience and Performance” shall leave you with practicable insights on this front.  

Conversations beyond the Conventional …

An inspiring chat with Shaan, the singing sensation, shall touch upon the ever-changing landscape of music and technology and why being true to yourself is important in a world filled with digital tricks and gadgets! 

Final Thoughts…

According to a recent survey, 89% of HR leaders plan to increase or maintain HR tech budgets making it the #1 area of investment for the third year in a row.

Beyond budgets, a key success factor for HR professionals is to be able to extract the essence of AI and learn to use tech for the right benefits, while retaining the “human” in Human Resources! 

These themes and sessions of People Matters TechHR India 2024 shall unravel more about Gen AI through story-telling and story-sharing, leaving you with real-world insights and examples of what works and what doesn’t. 

Register now to meet the biggest names in HR and Worktech at People Matters TechHR India on August 1 and 2 at Leela Ambience, Gurugram. For more updates, use #TechHRIN on our website and social media channels. 

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