Building India’s EV workforce

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is in full swing in India, with the market showing robust growth despite recent changes in subsidies and regulations. In the fiscal year 2024, EV sales surged by an impressive 41%, with total registrations exceeding 1.6 million units. Industry projections paint an even more electrifying picture, with the Indian EV market expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 49% from 2022 to 2030.

This growth promises millions of jobs across the EV value chain, from battery manufacturing to R&D and retail. By 2030, projections estimate 10 million direct jobs and a staggering 50 million indirect ones. 

However, the critical challenge that threatens to short-circuit India’s EV ambitions is a severe shortage of skilled talent.

Sridhar VVS, Business HR Head at Amara Raja Advanced Cell Technologies (ARACT) – a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amara Raja Energy & Mobility (ARE&M), describes the talent crunch as “a significant hurdle that needs to be addressed through concerted efforts from all stakeholders.”

Attracting and upskilling EV talent

The challenge is acute for Amara Raja Group, one of the largest manufacturers of automotive batteries in the country. The Group recognises the challenge of attracting enough qualified professionals to fuel their ambitious electric vehicle (EV) goals. They aim to hire a staggering 1,000 skilled workers, but industry estimates suggest only 10% of the current talent pool is equipped to handle the entire EV value chain.

To bridge this gap and retain top talent, Sridhar, said, “We’re actively expanding our recruitment efforts beyond domestic borders.  Partnering with leading academic institutions will create a pipeline of future EV leaders by nurturing bright minds, like PhD students. Establishing dedicated Skill Development Centers focused on EV and related fields is another crucial step in building their talent pool.

For their ambitious Gigafactory project, they are developing comprehensive training programs to educate 4,500 skilled professionals in collaboration with industry experts. Leveraging technology for scalable delivery and implementing a Train-the-Trainer model will ensure effective knowledge transfer. Strategic partnerships with global EV leaders will further enrich their workforce with industry best practices.

Measuring progress is key. Sridhar emphasises a “data-driven approach” with pre-and post-training assessments to gauge knowledge gain. They ensure trainees can translate theory into practice through on-the-job performance monitoring and regular feedback sessions. By tracking key metrics like productivity, quality, and safety, they assess the program’s impact on operational excellence and the overall effectiveness of their talent development strategy.

“By investing in our people and their professional growth, we aim to contribute significantly to India’s journey towards becoming a global leader in the EV space,” Sridhar concluded. 

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