Empowering frontline workers to drive superior customer experiences

Frontline workers are representative of a company’s ethos and serve as its ambassadors. They comprise a large section of the workforce (as much as 80% in some industries) and have unique skill sets, yet many of them have to deal with archaic software solutions at their workplace. This becomes frustrating, particularly, when these employees are accustomed to using the best of technologies in their personal lives. According to the 2023 Employee Experience Study by Brandon Hall Group, only 40% of the employers said they had the right technology for the frontline workers. 

Regardless of the strides in digital transformation, frontline workers are often overlooked in digital transformation projects. This has been documented across several reputable sources. For example, only 23% of frontline workers believe they have access to the technology they need to be productive, and 80% of frontline employees say that their company provides few connection opportunities at work. This discrepancy can leave frontline workers feeling disconnected and underserved. 

To effectively address the needs of frontline employees, three key experiences are crucial. First, customer experience involves digitizing tools and processes to empower frontline workers to provide excellent service, ensuring they can meet customer needs efficiently. Second, employee experience is enhanced by involving frontline staff in leadership interactions and development programs, fostering a sense of belonging and motivation. Lastly, operational experience equips employees with technology to improve agility, speed, and productivity, while also meeting compliance standards. These elements together create a supportive environment that enables frontline employees to excel and significantly contribute to the organisation’s success.

Here are three ways an organisation can ensure tailored solutions that bridge this gap and empower the frontline workers to their fullest extent.

A blend of online and offline solutions

Technology must bring about a transformative shift in frontline work, especially in challenging areas such as rigs or remote locations where it’s difficult to ensure connectivity. A sophisticated blend of online and offline models must be meticulously designed to help frontline workers have a seamless user experience despite any geographical constraints. This will enable the frontline workers to integrate customer relationship management (CRM) and operational models at the back end. These measures empower frontline workers to execute tasks traditionally reserved for office staff. 

In places where constant connectivity is a problem, a one-stop solution for offline viewing of document repositories, communicating with managers, and logging timesheets can be helpful. Personalisation features, location awareness, and voice commands can improve user experience.

Hyperscalers can help

Hyperscalers are actively exploring solutions to empower frontline workers, enhancing their ability to serve customers effectively. This involves not only examining device-level features and applications but also ensuring seamless integration with back-end systems for a comprehensive end-to-end workflow. Microsoft 365 for frontline worker solution is a good example that ensures communication and collaboration, transforming experience, simplifying scheduling to driving technology adoption. It can involve a combination of devices, a cloud ecosystem, collaboration apps such as Teams, and personalisation apps clubbed with the CRM and ERP systems. Integrations built to provide a seamless experience across all customer touchpoints in a way that’s location and device-agnostic can be helpful. This enables faster decision-making for the frontline staff. It also helps them feel like they are on the same page as the desk staff. 

Providing training and having their back

Frontline workers, accustomed to traditional methods, face a paradigm shift with the introduction of additional training. The perception of technology as a threat hinders organisational transformation. These workers need to view technology as a tool that empowers and accelerates their tasks, underscoring the need for alignment between workers and management, alongside substantial worker buy-in. Open communication about work environments, concerns, challenges, and customer experiences demonstrates the organisation’s support for its frontline staff. Involving frontline workers in decision-making processes further solidifies this relationship, fostering a collaborative and progressive workplace culture.

Empowering the frontline workforce isn’t just a good-to-have but a fundamental necessity for organisations that want to deliver exceptional customer service. Prioritising the wellbeing of frontline workers, investing in their training, giving them access to knowledge banks, having open communication channels, and using technology as an enabler can help a lot. A well-oiled synergy between the frontline workers and the leadership team can ensure sustained growth and excellent customer satisfaction. 

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