Harnessing technology: Creating jobs for the future

The rapid advancement of technology, particularly Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) has significantly impacted various sectors by enhancing their capabilities to perform tasks previously done by humans. This has sparked concerns that machines will replace human labour, leading to widespread job loss. However, history shows that while automation replaces manual labour and repetitive tasks, it also creates new opportunities.

The impact of technology on jobs

Whenever a new technology is introduced, it prompts intense debate on whether it will take away jobs from people. Looking at past data, it’s evident that automation has replaced many manual and repetitive jobs. Information technologies have greatly improved manufacturing processes, achieving higher levels of efficiency and quality. With advancements in Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, automation is now part of the decision-making process. But does this mean advanced technologies threaten managerial positions? The answer is no. Automation primarily targets repetitive and laborious tasks, while jobs involving innovation and cognitive, non-routine tasks remain safe.

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, acknowledges that automation will displace some workers. However, he also emphasises that it has the potential to create new, better-paying jobs and stimulate economic growth. For instance, consider Google’s startup, Waymo. Its driverless cars, now common in the USA, raise concerns about job losses for Uber drivers and other taxi operators. However, new roles such as self-driving fleet technicians, rider support operators, and software engineers emerge alongside these technological advancements. Waymo claims to be a company that creates jobs, not eliminates them.

The changing nature of jobs

People with manual skills may lose their jobs in the future as human touch becomes obsolete. Artificial Intelligence and related technologies disrupt job markets, causing some jobs to disappear while others emerge. However, the net effect is that more jobs are created than lost. The jobs of today did not exist a few years ago. Technology is changing the nature of jobs, not destroying them. The issue is not to protect jobs but to help people develop the skills required for today’s roles.

While technology has made certain jobs obsolete, it has also created roles such as computer specialists, digital marketers, app developers, energy engineers, software developers, and drone operators. These jobs did not exist 50 years ago. Research indicates that over 80% of the jobs that will exist by 2030 have not been invented yet. Such is the impact of technology; therefore, we must be prepared for change.

It is evident that machines have taken over repetitive and labour-intensive jobs, but positions in innovation or cognitive non-routine tasks remain safe. Technology plays a complementary role, and employment growth is strong. The job-creating power of technology is clear. Despite the regular introduction of new technology, sectors like medicine, education, communication, business, and other professional services have seen growth in job opportunities. Unsurprisingly, the fastest-growing occupations globally are in the service sector.

Embracing entrepreneurship and continuous learning

Technology has opened more avenues for entrepreneurship and startups. Individuals can start their businesses with minimal capital while reaching global markets. To stay competitive, it may be necessary to undertake technology-driven business management courses or acquire skills in digital literacy through online courses and workshops.

Those who continuously track technological advancements and are open to learning are more likely to ascend the career ladder. Despite the rapid pace of technological change, it is crucial for everyone to continually learn and acquire new skills to remain competitive in the job market.


It is a misconception that technology takes away jobs. Instead, technology changes the nature of jobs and creates new opportunities. The key is to adapt, acquire the necessary skills, and harness the power of technology to improve our world. By doing so, we can ensure a future where technological advancements benefit everyone, creating a better place to live and work.

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