How AI is reshaping industries: 10 Must-read stories

The pervasive influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across industries is undeniable. While headlines scream of robot uprisings or superhuman intelligence, the reality of AI is far more nuanced. It’s not a singular, all-powerful entity, but a complex ecosystem of algorithms and machine learning quietly transforming industries. And the true heroes of this AI revolution are the researchers, engineers, designers, developers and policymakers pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Here, curated a collection of must-read stories that showcase the multifaceted impact of AI across industries.

Here are MUST-READ stories from People Matters

The Future of HR: AI as a Partner, Not a Replacement:  Interview with IBM’s Nickle LaMoreaux where she argues that HR departments should be the first to benefit from AI. By using AI for tasks like talent acquisition and performance management, HR can free itself to focus on strategic initiatives. 
AI Tutors: Personalised Learning Takes Center Stage: This article explores how personalised learning platforms are tailoring education to individual student needs, leading to a more engaging and effective learning experience. 
India’s AI Boom: Skilling Up for a Brighter Future:  This interview with Coursera enterprise head Karine Allouche highlights India’s growing interest in AI education and its impact on online learning platforms like Coursera. 
Moglix: Humans and Machines, Working Together:  Sandeep Goel of Moglix discusses how his company leverages AI to empower employees, not replace them. AI streamlines tasks, allowing human expertise to focus on higher-level problem-solving and client relationships. 
Technology must augment humanity: AI should enhance human capabilities, not diminish them said Former IBM CEO Ginni Rometty in an exclusive interview with us.
AI Skills Gap: How to Future-Proof Your Workforce (A Conversation with Accenture’s Kishore Durg):  Kishore highlights the urgency of addressing the skills gap in the AI age and trends shaping future enterprise learning.
Ensuring Fairness in AI-powered HR: Ericsson’s Approach to Transparency: The ethical considerations of AI in HR  
AI: Job Killer or Human Talent Liberator? How AI Can Rewrite the Future of Work: AI advances ignite an epidemic of job displacement anxiety sweeping across the employment landscape, jeopardising countless jobs that teeter on the precipice of obsolescence—once considered secure. Will humans adapt or be replaced? 
How worried should we be about AI? Do we need to be concerned about workplace applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning?
5-Hour Workweek with AI? GenAI Boosts Productivity, But Will Jobs Disappear? While employee confidence in AI’s workplace impact has nearly doubled (42% vs. 26% in 2023), job security remains a concern for nearly half of regular users. 

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