How an anthem strengthened Federal Bank’s culture

Federal Bank, a leading Indian private sector bank headquartered in Kerala, recently took an unconventional approach to celebrate its company culture by unveiling a corporate anthem. This anthem expresses the core values of the organisation while celebrating its human capital. Sung by a chorus of their own employees from across the country, the initiative goes beyond mere marketing.

Aligning with their motto, “Digital at the Fore, Human at the Core,” the anthem blends digital elements with the warmth of human voices.

“The anthem is about creating something that resonates deeply with everyone associated with Federal Bank,” said Rajanarayanan N, SVP & Chief Human Resources Officer at the bank. 

Titled “Sacha Hai Dil ka ye Rishta…” (This bond of the heart is true), the anthem expresses the essence of ‘Rishta’ with employees, customers, and stakeholders. “It’s an emotional journey highlighting our collective achievements and aspirations.”

The chorus,  according to Rajanarayanan, reflects the bank’s dedication to recognising and celebrating the voices that already make up the Federal Bank family.

Rajanarayanan describes it as “an emotional journey” which is adapted into seven different languages, a nod to India’s linguistic diversity.

Large corporations are increasingly recognising the value of celebrating their people and fostering a positive work culture. This initiative, the bank believes, will not only boost employee morale and engagement but will also contribute significantly to the bank’s long-term growth.

This corporate anthem project appears to be part of a broader trend where some large corporations are exploring creative methods to reinforce their organisational culture and values.

As Rajanarayanan concludes, “The anthem is a melody that not only encapsulates our values but also honours the enduring relationships we hold dear within our Federal Bank family.”  

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