Live streaming is a type of technology that has been around for a few years and has already made some significant changes to the way that we work. What are a few of the ways that this tech has changed the work environment for many people? Roles Like Casino Dealer Are Changing The chance to play live roulette games online has arrived in recent years thanks to live streaming. These …

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Following the worst year for wage growth in half a century during a cost-of-living crisis, workers across the UK are feeling the pinch. And career experts have now revealed their useful tips on how to get a salary increase.   Research by Furniture At Work found the average pay rise between December and February was 6.6%*. This means, when considering inflation (10.1%), most of the UK has had to accept a …

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People are having a tough time as they face up to the ongoing cost of living crisis. That’s no secret. But eyebrows were still raised at recent figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which revealed that working days lost to sickness have jumped to a record high. The ONS found that around 185.6 million working days were lost to sickness or injury in 2022, almost 25% more than …

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Searches for ‘What is burnout?’ rose 81% since the start of the pandemic as people faced new working challenges. Analysis of Google search data reveals that online searches for ‘What is burnout?’ have risen 81% worldwide since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 as people all around the world had to adjust to a new way of working. New insights by health and nutrition information site Life Hacker …

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