If you’re looking for the best and brightest talent, it’s smart to consider your 401(k) options. Here’s a little proof in case you need it: 79% of employees view a 401(k) or other retirement plan as a must-have when accepting a job. (MetLife, 2022) When asked what benefits would most help employees, 58% of respondents in this study cited a “more generous retirement.” My guess is, you probably already know …

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Is the line between “employee appreciation” and “employee incentive” a little blurry to you? It is for me. Even as an HR expert, I find these two terms are intertwined—and in many cases, used interchangeably. However, I think it’s important that we do attempt to clarify the differences, because effective employee incentive programs serve a different purpose than employee appreciation programs. In this article, I’ll describe the difference between the …

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