Being a business leader involves facing numerous challenges head-on and dealing with situations which may be uncomfortable. Not least of these is employees who are butting heads and are having conflict with one another. These tensions can cause aftershocks that ripple through the workplace.  Research from Acas found that employee conflict costs UK businesses a total of £28.5 billion annually. Leadership development and coaching specialists FirstHuman are sharing their thoughts …

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Founders need to offer smart workplace benefits to win the talent war and attract Gen Z staff – the lifeblood of the start-up economy – new research has found.  Gen Z employees, who represent around half of the start-up workforce, are twice as likely as over 55s to say attractive perks are important when it comes to looking for and staying in a job.  The poll by household money-saving tool …

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Love it or loathe it – experts across business and technology agree that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay and is continuing to change the way we work. Talk around AI tools like ChatGPT has rocketed, with a 2633% increase in interest for the OpenAI software in the three months leading into 2023. The IBM Global AI Adoption Index 2022 published in May 2022 stated that “Around the world, …

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