In Stress Awareness month, Adrian Lewis from Activ People HR urges employers to do more to support workers who may be experiencing stress or burnout as the cost-of-living crisis continues to add to people’s daily struggles. Adrian Lewis says, “Stress and burnout in the workplace is a growing issue. The pandemic, and now the cost of living crisis have added to the daily challenges people face. Recently two high profile …

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By Paul Guess, mental wellbeing expert at caba, the charity helping the ICAEW community thrive in their personal and professional lives with training, advice, and support.  During the pandemic, millions of young people started turning to TikTok for mental health advice and support.   Spurred by a heightened sense of social isolation, many were using TikTok to share their own lived experiences and connect with like-minded people, and this has continued since.   …

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As many as 6.5 million UK workers could quit their current job this year for a higher paying one, as the cost-of-living crisis deepens. As ‘Awful April’ approaches, and food costs, council tax, broadband and water bills are all set to rise further, research shows that one in five employees are looking for a new and higher-paying job. Personal finance experts at Claro Wellbeing are predicting a flurry of resignation …

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Companies must make reasonable adjustments to accommodate neurodiverse employees or risk being taken to a tribunal and ordered to pay compensation an employment lawyer has warned. Lucy Williams, an Associate in the Employment team at West Midlands firm Higgs LLP, said compensation can exceed £56,200 in the most serious discrimination cases under new Presidential Guidance issued by the Employment Tribunals. Lucy’s warning comes after a security guard, Raymond Joseph Bryce, …

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1 in 5 Women Fear Negotiating Pay Will Damage Their Careers New UK data released today by Syndio, the workplace equity platform, reveals the ‘Confidence Gap’ still hinders pay equity between men and women. Coming out just before the UK gender pay gap reporting deadline on 4th April, the study suggests that while salary transparency is a hugely important step towards creating a more equitable culture, women are still more likely …

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In light of  4 in 5 adults suffering from back-related issues during their lifetime, Northgate Vehicle Hire analysed UK prescription data for back pain medications revealing that there has been a 217% year-on-year increase in prescriptions for back pain across the UK since 2017. With back troubles being a leading cause of work absence, Northgate Vehicle Hire spoke to Ali Ross, UK Psychotherapist about how people can look after their …

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