These days, many people are dealing with stress from all kinds of personal financial concerns. This can harm workforce wellbeing — especially when people aren’t sure how to manage these issues or who they can trust for advice. That’s why organizations are increasingly offering workforce financial education. But which strategies are most effective in helping […] The post 8 Ways to Empower Employees Through Financial Education appeared first on TalentCulture.

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Scrum Masters play an important role in managing a product’s Scrum framework. The role requires a strong mix of technical skills, leadership skills, and communication skills, so it’s important to find the right person for the job. If you’re planning to hire a Scrum Master or want to learn more about the role, take a look at the sample Scrum Master job description below. The job description provides an overview …

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Human resources (HR) is one of the essential departments of any business. HR is responsible for managing all other business departments while executing other tasks to ensure seamless business operations. With a lot on their plate, your HR department is often pressed for time.  Fortunately, there are several strategies you can implement to help save time and increase your HR’s overall efficiency. This article shares five valuable tips to streamline …

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One of the most popular online streaming platforms is Twitch, which has grown exponentially since its inception in 2011.  According to recent statistics, Twitch had over 140 million unique viewers in 2020, with an average of 1.5 million broadcasters per month.  As we look forward to the future of streaming, many predictions have been made about what to expect for Twitch in 2023.  In this article, we will explore the …

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Owning and operating a small business is incredibly challenging. You often have a very small team of staff, and as such, you are still heavily involved in all areas of the business. Managing your small business’s finances can often be daunting, but with the right strategies, it doesn’t have to be. This is why we have put together the following pieces of advice for you. Keep reading to learn more. …

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Some people in HR find Blockchain and the technology that comes with it a bit of a mystery – others feel like it’s a gift sent from the heavens themselves. Whichever way you view it, there’s no denying that the technology is gaining good headway in the industry. So much so, that it’s predicted the use of Blockchain will produce over $3 trillion in business value in just under 10 …

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