The state of the nation’s mental health has been revealed, showing a number of struggles for adults in the UK, including anxiety (39%), depression (33%) and low self-esteem (28%). The new study, to mark the launch of therapist matching website, TherapyFinders, found that challenging mental experiences are affecting people’s sleep (62%), ability to enjoy life (48%), and their relationships (47%). However, a huge seven in 10 (70%) have never received …

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New data shows that 80% of UK workers are open to new roles in 2023. And unsurprisingly, as the cost-of-living crisis continues to bite, a better salary is a key motivation for the majority of these jobseekers.  However, encouragingly for employers who are keen to hold onto staff in economically turbulent times, 70% of workers say they would train for a new role within their company rather than leave. With …

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Employers and employees have a differing opinion about the health and wellbeing impact of ‘hybrid’ working, according to new research1 from GRiD, the industry body for the group risk sector. Two thirds of employers (64%) believe that hybrid working has had a positive impact on their employees’ health and wellbeing, but only 53% of employees agree. Where they do concur is on the number of people for whom hybrid working …

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Women are around seven times more likely than men to be out of the labour market due to caring commitments, according to a new analysis published by the TUC today (Wednesday).  The analysis of official statistics – published as the annual TUC women’s conference starts in London today – finds that more than 1.46 million women are unable to work alongside their family commitments, compared to around 230,000 men.  Women …

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