Andrea Derler, Principal of Research and Value, Visier It was reported that British business confidence was much worse than expected in January, hitting a two-year low. The findings which were revealed in the S&P/Cips global flash UK composite purchasing managers’ index are likely influenced by ongoing fears of an impending UK recession. This, coupled with the latest data from the Business Confidence Monitor (BCM) serves as a stark reminder that …

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By Emma O’Connor, director and head of training at Boyes Turner McDonald’s Restaurants Limited (McDonald’s) has signed a legally binding agreement with the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (ECHR) – a “section 23 agreement” – to protect its staff from sexual harassment.  Although the extent of alleged sexually harassing behaviour within McDonald’s  has not been confirmed, reports from the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU), which represents McDonald’s workers, …

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Employers are under renewed pressure to rethink their workplace financial support packages in light of research[1] that reveals that two thirds (66%) of organisations rate their workplace debt management support as poor, despite government claims that Britons are living through the worst cost of living crisis in a generation. Half (50%) of respondents also believe that their organisation is poor at supporting employees with budgeting and money management, and 63% …

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New research suggests majority of tech professionals don’t believe a college degree is essential The subject of the tech skills gap remains a hot topic of conversation in both tech and wider business circles, with Fortune recently reporting on how the gap may well widen if uptake of tech careers continues to remain low amongst Gen Z. And in a context where traditional paths to professional careers via a college …

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