Gareth Hoyle, Managing Director at Marketing Signals: Not everyone loves their job all the time, and feeling unhappy or undervalued is not a new feeling in some workplaces. But now there’s a new term for it, and that’s “resenteeism”.  The term itself comes after a wave of workplace trends which include “quiet quitting”, “acting your wage” and “quiet firing”. This particular trend stems from workers who are generally feeling unhappy …

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Office workers could save nearly £200 a year by making their own lunches, survey finds  • New research indicates that 1 in 3 of UK office workers set bringing lunch from home as their New Year’s Resolution • Nearly a quarter (24%) of us buy lunch from a shop or café at least once a week •40% of survey respondents shared that they’ve cut back on lunchtime splurges since the start of …

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Many young Brits will start their first job between the age of 16–24 years, in fact, 54 % of this age bracket are in employment1. They may start their first job on weekends while still in school or university, or save up during a break after leaving education. On top of that, Google searches for ‘where should I get my first job’ increased by +450%2 over the past 12 months, …

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