What is a four-day workweek? It’s not a trick question. Is it four 10-hour days or four eight-hour days? If it’s the former, you risk employee burnout. If it’s the latter, you’re betting employees can work smarter by doing the same work in 80% of the time. Four-day workweeks of either kind are being floated as part of the answer to recruiting employees in a still resilient (read: tight) labor …

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If your organization is like most, you’ve seen a dramatic upturn in remote work since the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. It’s now clear that this trend is here to stay, with a recent study by Upwork predicting that 22% of the American workforce will be entirely remote by 2025. While the work-from-home lifestyle isn’t going anywhere, that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t presented many unique challenges for employers. Besides having …

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In a world that is changing faster than ever, many leaders are, understandably, looking for the golden ticket—the skill that will change their results significantly. Finding that singular skill as an individual leader requires two realizations: What you most need relates to your situation and skill set—there isn’t a single golden ticket that helps every leader equally. As you look at a changing world, remember that much about leadership isn’t …

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Are you under the impression that job satisfaction and employee engagement are the same things? While similar terms, important distinctions exist. Maximizing your workforce’s potential involves both. Especially in times of low unemployment and high turnover, keeping an eye on factors that promote employee job satisfaction is critical to retention. But keeping positions filled is only part of the story. Successful business outcomes result when a high level of engagement …

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Want to know the best way to diagnose and deal with the most pressing business problems plaguing your organization? It’s not to hire more staff or throw more money at them. Instead, your best bet is to leverage workforce analytics to pinpoint the areas of your business in need of improvement. By analyzing your HR data, you can discover if you have issues with employee engagement, retention, communication, and more. …

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If you’re currently dealing with behavioral issues with your staff, a performance improvement plan can be an excellent tool for correcting those issues and getting your employees back on track. Performance improvement plans are tools for guiding underperforming staff members. They act as a performance action plan to help employers deliver constructive feedback, clear performance expectations, and resources for improving employee behavior. Check out our performance improvement plan samples for …

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