Just how important is an employee handbook? It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that, actual employees aside, it may be the most important part of your organization. Handbooks help manage your employees and keep your business compliant with the ever-growing list of employment rules and regulations. But simply having an employee handbook is not enough. An out-of-date employee handbook, or one missing key elements, is just as bad as …

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Most people enjoy feeling appreciated for their hard work, but does gratitude translate to tangible benefits in the workplace? And if so, how can you make it happen? Research on employee appreciation has shown that close to 80% of employees who quit their jobs cite not feeling valued as a principal motivation. Clearly, gratitude counts. However, while we know appreciation is critical for staff retention and productivity, fostering it authentically …

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Human resource planning is the process of putting the right people in the right positions to meet your company’s goals. The problem with human resource planning is there’s no “go” flag. You don’t get a green light to get started—it’s a process you can start from Day One or begin at any time. Thankfully for busy HR professionals, this is also the benefit of HR planning! There is no “timeline” …

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Hiring employees but failing to provide them with a solid base of training is a good way to lose talent. One study shows that professional development can increase retention by up to 34%. On top of that, the cost of replacing an employee is high—on average, it costs a company 6 to 9 months of an employee’s salary to replace him or her. Stats like these highlight just how crucial …

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Should you auto-enroll your employees into your company’s 401(k) program? You don’t need to shake a magic eight ball to make a decision. Instead, take a look at the pros and cons, and then make an educated decision for your company. What is automatic enrollment? Automatic enrollment is exactly what it sounds like—you, the employer, automatically enroll your employees into your organization’s 401(k) plan. According to the U.S. Department of …

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As the world becomes more globalized and an increasing number of employees are working across international borders, employers of record (EOR) are becoming more commonplace. Some foreign entities establishing their first U.S.-based offices are interested in finding out whether or not an EOR is a good option for them, or if there is another option that may provide them the services they need. In this article, we’ll discuss the differences …

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