Anyone who says being a leader is easy is simply not being honest. Leadership is hard. Yes, I said it. And that shouldn’t shock anyone. After all, modern managers are expected to be nearly super-human. They’re responsible for inspiring people, bringing out the best in their teams, and getting positive results. And naturally, they play a […] The post Employee Experience: 5 Paths to a More Human Work Culture appeared first …

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The Associated Press reports that more school districts are switching to four-day schedules. Kids love it, of course, and it may be a neat recruiting tool for school districts, but this puts pressure on working parents to arrange for already scarce child care. We’re presuming the school day isn’t any longer than a normal school day, because we can’t see any teacher, school administrator or bus driver wanting to deal …

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Nonprofits face several challenges to their success, the most prominent of which are a lack of budget, complex liability issues, and a lack of experienced HR professionals.. Professional employer organizations (PEOs) are HR partners who help nonprofit and for-profit organizations with all HR-related issues, especially those that are most challenging for nonprofits to handle on their own. When your nonprofit partners with a PEO, you unlock the ability to offer …

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Technology is constantly reshaping the way we work, live, and interact. In the workplace, the HR department is no exception. Cloud-based management systems and AI-driven recruitment tools are commonplace now. Make no mistake, the HR landscape has been undergoing a seismic shift for the last few years.  Amidst this technological revolution, QR codes—those seemingly simple, yet incredibly versatile, two-dimensional barcodes—have emerged as a powerful tool with the potential to further …

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