New research from the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development and Simplyhealth, CIPD (2023) Health and wellbeing at work, has revealed a marked increase in sickness absence among UK workers. The figure comes in at 7.8 days per employee per year on average, making it the highest level for a decade and an increase of 2 whole days from the pre-pandemic figure of 5.8 days. Analysis was based on responses …

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Cybersecurity giants BAE Systems, DarkTrace and GCHQ are on a mission to address the industry’s gender diversity gap by recruiting more female coders during Cyber Awareness Month.  Despite cybersecurity being one of the fastest-growing industries in tech, analysis of the latest ONS Annual Population Survey reveals that women make up just 19% of cyber professionals in the UK. Yet with an estimated 1.8 million cybersecurity job vacancies at the end …

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In just seven years’ time, we could find that the devastating impact of climate change is irreversible. Let that sink in.  According to a report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), critical action is needed – and fast.   We’re often told how we can reduce our carbon footprint at home (and we’re all doing it, right?) but less so about how we can do it while at …

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The leading Recruitment and Employment Technology Company, CareerWallet processes up to 10 million jobs daily from recruitment companies and employers across the UK and has recently published a Global Workplace survey showing detailed trends and insights into the UK job market.  The report has revealed the top 7 reasons job seekers are put off a business when applying for a new role with bad reviews and terrible annual leave topping …

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