Company data providers don’t just save you the time of scraping data, they, in fact, provide such data points that are practically unreachable. Data suppliers are critical for the success of any business, just as critical as it is to choose the best company data providers for your needs and priorities. Let’s take a look at what these providers offer, how businesses can use their datasets for important processes like …

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The business world is competitive, and companies must be productive to stay on top of the competition. One subtle way they can gain an edge is through their human resources (HR) department. HR has several tools to boost productivity, whether it involves implementing effective training programs or introducing workplace drug testing kits for a safe and focused work environment like those supplied by Matrix Diagnostics. Here is a look at …

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Everybody has their own ‘comfort zone’, a behavioural and psychological space where your habits fit a stress-free pattern. But staying wrapped into your cocoon might mean that you are missing out on experiences and adventures.   Embracing new skills and trying out unconventional things can favour your mental health, as it can change the way in which your brain is wired. Learning and picking up alternative hobbies can encourage the growth …

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Returning to the workplace after having a baby is really difficult for parents, finding the balance between your child and work commitments can be almost impossible. Not to mention the sacrifices you might have to make to return to the office.   With this in mind, Careers After Babies conducted a survey interviewing 848 mothers on what happened to their careers after having children, revealing some astounding stats. As a result, …

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While marriage leave is a perk which is offered across Europe, with Spanish couples receiving 15 additional leave days from the date of their wedding and French businesses offering four days off to couples who are tying the knot, it’s not a widely enjoyed perk here in the UK. New research from the UK’s number one wedding planning app, Hitched reveals that only 5% of those surveyed were given additional leave …

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The resilience of an organisation cannot be measured in advance. Crises, by definition, emerge not only from unfamiliar, disruptive and unexpected events but also from the fact that the immediate consequences of such events get entangled and intertwined with the complex dynamics of the organisation. Organisations are intricate systems with various components interacting in diverse ways, making it impossible for any member, including the directors and the CEO, to have …

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