Latest research by instantprint prevailing opinions regarding menopause and menstruation in the workplace to determine whether, in 2023, it remains taboo to talk about natural bodily functions. They also spoke to Nic Ponsford, CEO and founder of the Global Equality Collective who was involved in the development of the BSI Standards Publication Menstruation, Menstrual Health and menopause in the workplace – Guide to get her thoughts and opinions on our …

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Sustainability in the workplace has become a hot topic these days, and for good reason. With environmental concerns taking center stage and a growing awareness of our collective impact on the planet, businesses recognise their role in creating a more sustainable future. Integrating eco-friendly practices minimises the carbon footprint and demonstrates a commitment to responsible corporate citizenship. Studio Alliance, a European alliance of workplace experts, has provided six practical tips …

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Healthy choices and productivity Alongside a rise in childhood obesity, a 2022 report by The Food Foundation revealed that excess weight and poor nutrition cost the UK approximately £74 billion every year through a combination of NHS costs, lost workforce productivity, and reduced life expectancy. In fact, a similar report found that eating a consistently unhealthy diet can increase the risk of workplace unproductivity by up to 66%. Creating a …

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According to research conducted by Fizzbox, the average cost of throwing a Christmas party is now clocking in at £52.69 per person. That’s a 3% price increase from last year. Santa might be watching your spending habits, but it seems like he’s been a bit more generous with the Christmas budget this time around. They have also found that office Christmas party bookings have skyrocketed by a whopping 284% compared …

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