YouTube marketing entails promoting a brand on YouTube through ads and videos.YouTube growth has more than doubled over the years with the number of active users currently estimated to exceed  2 Billion monthly. Some of the factors that have greatly contributed to the popularity of YouTube is the growth in demand for video content and the high engagement rate. Similar to Instagram, YouTube thrives on visual content. This makes it …

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‘Threads’, the new social media app by Instagram’s parent company ‘Meta’, was recently released and managed to surpass the 10 million user mark in just seven hours.   By comparison, it took Instagram 355 days to reach 10 million registered users, and it took Twitter 780 days to get to same amount.   Jon Morgan, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Venture Smarter has shared five ways he believes small businesses should be utilising …

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An expert has revealed some of the potential health risks that night shift workers may face, and what can be done to tackle them.  Night shifts are required in a number of industries, such as hospitality, warehouse operations, and the emergency services, but the effects on your circadian rhythm can have mental and physical health implications.   To raise awareness of the dangers night shift workers may face, a spokesperson from …

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Essential UK industries that keep the country moving, can sometimes mean life or death for their workers. So, you would hope the salaries adequately compensate for the risk involved, but new research reveals that is not the case., the company who conducted the research, analysed the most recent data on workplace fatalities, average salaries for those industries and how many workers there are per industry to compile a list …

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In the first UK survey of its kind, strategic skills provider Corndel can today reveal the extent to which employees fear that Artificial Intelligence will take all or part of their job, with younger workers particularly worried. 61% of them believe that this new technology will take at least 25% of their role by 2023, with 38% of the 18-34 year olds fearing that AI will take at least 50% …

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