The stats on men’s health tell a striking story. Men have a lower life expectancy than women, and around 20% of men die before retiring. In under 50s, suicide is the most common cause of death, with men accounting for three-quarters of UK suicides. To mark Men’s Health Week, Westfield Health gives employers advice on creating a culture where men feel comfortable speaking up about health issues, explores ways workplaces …

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The combination of a global pandemic, economic uncertainty, and major changes to how we work have rendered the last few years challenging for employees. The numbers back it up: Ceridian’s 2023 Pulse of Talent report found a vast majority (87%) of employees report experiencing symptoms of burnout in the past year. With the arrival of warmer weather in North America and the UK, many employees are turning their attention to time away …

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History is filled with tales of courageous and decisive heroes. Individuals like Julius Caesar and Winston Churchill, for instance, have led from the front to guide their people through adversity and achieve ultimate success. This myth building is especially prominent in the business sector, with stories of inspiring CEOs parachuting in to rescue and revive troubled organisations. But is a strong leader who takes a centralised approach to company strategy …

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