Skills for jobs to change by at least 65% by 2030 as AI accelerates workplace change

The skills needed for jobs are estimated to change globally by at least 65% by 2030 as rapid developments in AI accelerate workplace change, according to LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network. 

Shifts are already underway – job posts mentioning AI or Generative AI have more than doubled (2.3x) in the UK in the last two years, with LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends Report finding that applications for these posts have grown 10% faster compared to those that don’t mention AI or generative AI. LinkedIn’s research finds that 76% of professionals in the UK are excited to use AI at work, and nearly half (45%) want to learn more about it. 

To ready their workforce for the changes ahead, business leaders are relying on HR and recruitment teams to lead the way. 8 out of 10 talent professionals in the UK say their role has become more strategic in the last year, and globally, 61% say they are rolling out AI training to support employees, and another 61% are already using the technology today to support their day-to-day tasks. The majority (80%) of HR professionals believe AI will be a tool that helps them in the next five years, enabling them to focus on the more strategic, human aspects of their roles – such as strengthening relationships with candidates and colleagues (39%).

Becky Schnauffer, Head of Global Clients, LinkedIn Talent Solutions, says: “AI is reshaping the world of work, and the technology holds huge potential to support employees across a range of different jobs, companies and industries. To make the most out of this technology’s potential, businesses are assessing the skills they’ll need both now and in the future – leaning on their HR teams to make sure they have the talent and skills they’ll need. 

Whether it’s rolling out Learning & Development programmes, updating hiring strategies, or mapping out skills needs, HR teams will have a critical role to play in helping their organisations navigate the future of work. AI will also be a great tool for HR professionals, removing some of the day-to-day drudgery from work, and freeing them up to spend more time focused on the strategic and people-centric aspects of their roles.” 

To help organisations navigate the changing world of work, LinkedIn is piloting new generative AI tools in Recruiter and Learning Hub to a small handful of customers today, with plans to roll them out to all customers throughout the year: 

Recruiter 2024 – LinkedIn’s new AI-assisted recruiting experience makes hiring more efficient and easy so talent leaders can focus on strategic, people-centric work. Hirers can use natural language search prompts like – “I want to hire a senior growth marketing leader” – and LinkedIn’s AI models, paired with unique insights from over 950 million professionals, 63 million companies and 40,000 skills on LinkedIn can infer the type of candidate the hirer is looking for and provide higher-quality candidate recommendations from a much wider pool of candidates. 

LinkedIn Learning’s AI-powered coaching – LinkedIn is testing out real-time advice in two of the most in-demand skills that apply across all types of jobs: leadership and management. Learners can pose a question like: How can I delegate tasks and responsibilities effectively? Instead of giving you a one-size-fits-all answer, it will ask you clarifying questions to more deeply understand your specific situation and experience and then offer advice, examples, and feedback based on hundreds of hours of content from LinkedIn Learning’s expert instructors. For people looking to learn more about AI, LinkedIn Learning has also unlocked the most popular AI learning courses which are available for free until December 15, 2023.

Josh Bersin, Industry Analyst and CEO of The Josh Bersin Company, said: “AI is quickly transforming recruitment, training, and many other HR practices. LinkedIn’s new features in Recruiter 2024 and LinkedIn Learning can massively improve recruiter productivity and help all employees build the skills they need to grow in their careers.”

Markus Kumpf, Head of Recruiting Technology & Innovation at Siemens, says: We aim to ensure exceptional recruiting experiences through innovative solutions, and we are excited to partner with LinkedIn on this journey. We look forward to using new Recruiter 2024 features like the AI search experience to make finding the right candidates easier for our recruiters.”

These tools follow LinkedIn’s rollout of AI-assisted messages and AI-powered job descriptions in May 2023 which use generative AI to personalise InMail messages at scale, increase candidate engagement, and help companies find qualified candidates faster.

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