Strive to Thrive: How L&D Leaders Can Propel Organisational Success Through Generative AI Skills Training

GenAI is no longer a distant concept—it’s here and rapidly transforming the business landscape. According to a McKinsey study, it has the potential to drive significant economic impact, with up to $4 trillion globally through both augmentation and automation. While almost all job roles will be affected, areas like customer operations, product development, R&D, sales, marketing, software, IT, and data analytics will experience a more pronounced impact.

As nearly half of companies in the Asia Pacific region begin exploring and investing in GenAI use cases, it’s clear this revolution is just beginning. However, realizing its full potential requires more than enthusiasm; it demands thoughtful integration, upskilling, and a strategic vision for the future of work.

In this episode “Strive to Thrive: How L&D Leaders Can Propel Organisational Success Through Generative AI Skills Training,” from the podcast series, Building Mission Critical Skills to Navigate the Gen AI Transformation: Learn- Grow-Thrive. Hosted by Raghav Gupta, Managing Director of Coursera for India and Asia Pacific, delves into how Learning and Development (L&D) leaders can become the architects of this transformation.

By fostering a culture of continuous learning, encouraging curiosity, and dispelling fears around AI, L&D leaders hold the key to unlocking the full potential of Gen AI for their organisations. Joining the discussion is Dr. Victor Goh, Dean, Pacific International Lines Academy  (PIL Academy), who underscores the central role of generative AI in modernising learning strategies and embedding a culture of continuous improvement across all levels.

At Pacific International Lines Academy, Dr. Victor Goh emphasises the pivotal role of generative AI in their learning and development strategy. “Generative AI isn’t just a tool; it’s a catalyst for continuous improvement and innovation. By embedding AI into our core practices, we empower every level of our organisation—from executives to frontline workers—to adapt and excel in a rapidly evolving environment. Our commitment is to make learning an integral part of our culture, ensuring that every employee is equipped to thrive in the age of AI.”

This approach focuses on using AI to automate routine tasks, enhance customer interactions, and provide data-driven insights. By integrating AI into their digitisation efforts, PIL Academy ensures that every employee is ready to navigate and succeed in the future of work.

Let’s dive into some key takeaways from the session:

Leadership’s Role in GenAI AdoptionDr. Victor Goh emphasized the need for visible top leadership support to drive GenAI adoption. Senior executives must align GenAI with company goals for effective integration.
Challenges in Building a Learning CultureTransitioning from a family-owned to an MNC structure, like PIL, poses challenges in fostering a learning culture. Clear communication about the benefits of GenAI training is essential for employee buy-in.
Tailored Learning PathsPIL Academy customizes learning to meet role-specific needs, ensuring training is relevant and valuable for upskilling.
Shifting Training PerceptionsChanging employees’ mindset from viewing training as corrective to seeing it as a growth investment is crucial for engagement and participation.
Integrated Curriculum DesignPIL Academy combines technical AI skills with leadership and critical thinking, preparing employees for both technical and leadership challenges.
Real-World Scenarios in TrainingGenAI is used in practical training scenarios, like risk management, making learning interactive and experiential through AI-powered bots and personalized pathways.
Continuous Support and MentorshipOngoing access to resources, coaching, and feedback ensures employees effectively apply their GenAI skills and continuously improve.
Recognition and ExcitementRecognizing learning efforts and using AI tools like bots make traditionally dry topics more engaging, enhancing participation and excitement.

Tune in to the full episode to lead your organization through the GenAI revolution!

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