Tech Savvy Resilience: Are You Equipping Your Workforce Right?

Amid the fourth industrial revolution characterised by rapid automation and advancements in artificial intelligence, skill development has emerged as a critical imperative. Recent findings from Pearson and ServiceNow underscored this urgency, indicating that 16.2 million Indian workers require reskilling to meet the demands of 4.7 million emerging tech jobs. 

In a recent LinkedIn Live session hosted by People Matters, industry experts came together to discuss “Tech Savvy Resilience: Are You Equipping Your Workforce Right?”. 

The session served as a precursor to the People Matters TechHR India 2024 Conference, scheduled for August 1st and 2nd at The Leela Ambience, Gurgaon. The conference theme is “Inspiration to Action: Speed, Sustainability, Resilience.”

The panel moderated by host Spriha Srivastava, People Matters featured three distinguished industry leaders: Shikha Gupta, Chief Human Resource Officer at Luminous Power Technologies, specialising in talent management, performance management, leadership development, coaching, and mentoring. Joining her was Shreyasi Singh, President, Capability Delivery and Brand at upGrad Enterprise, she is also the founder of Harappa, online learning institution that builds competencies to liberate people’s potential in their chosen line of work and Varun Madan, Chief People Officer of Xiaomi India, with over 18 years of experience in HR and organisational development. 

Against the backdrop that an emerging number of employees now require reskilling to meet the demands of rising tech jobs, the discussion pivots to the theme of tech-savvy resilience. A key starting point is exploring how organisational leaders can strategically allocate resources to foster resilience, enhance upskilling initiatives, and cultivate adaptability among their workforce.

Prioritising Resilience, Upskilling, and Adaptability

A recurring theme in the discussion was the critical importance of prioritising resilience, upskilling, and adaptability within organisations, particularly in the tech sector. HR leaders emphasised the need for organisations to invest in their employees’ development, foster collaboration, and create a safe environment for employees to share their skill gaps and work together to overcome them. 

Shikha Gupta and Shreyasi Singh led the discussion by  highlighting the need for leaders to promote these values actively, ensuring that their teams are well-equipped to handle the challenges of a dynamic business environment.

Firstly, leaders must engage in self-reflection and continuous self-upgrading to grasp and effectively translate environmental changes within their organisations. This entails evaluating one’s own adaptability, ownership, and accountability amidst evolving circumstances, crucial for effective leadership amidst organisational demands.

Secondly, when managing resources, especially concerning employees, it’s better to use customised or personalised strategies rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach. It emphasises the importance of understanding individual needs, preferences, and capabilities when allocating resources within an organisation. Implementing custom paths for different groups, aligned with their specific needs and capabilities, proves more effective in driving organisational change.

Furthermore, organisational structures must align with emerging work paradigms, potentially embracing agile frameworks like the “brick model” where teams assemble for specific tasks before dispersing. 

Collaboration emerges as another cornerstone, not merely promoted but actively incentivized. Establishing metrics to gauge collaboration effectiveness, alongside celebrating achievements and learning from setbacks, cultivates a culture of continual enhancement and adaptability.

In essence, effective leadership demands a commitment to personal growth, customised strategies for diverse teams, agile organisational frameworks, and a culture that values and rewards collaborative efforts.

These elements collectively enhance resilience, foster upskilling, and promote adaptability within organisations navigating today’s complex technological and operational landscapes.

The Role of AI in Workforce Management

A significant portion of the discussion focused on the transformative influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on talent acquisition and retention. Leaders discussed how AI can predict and mitigate talent disruptions, providing innovative solutions to longstanding HR challenges. By leveraging AI, organisations can enhance their workforce management strategies, ensuring they remain competitive in a rapidly changing market.

One key aspect of resilience and upskilling discussed was the design of learning programs with a focus on speed, intensity, and personalisation. Shreyasi emphasised the importance of creating powerful learning moments through tailored formats and intensity.

Personalised and scalable resilience training was identified as essential for maintaining momentum and speed in learning. The session also highlighted the role of AI in personalised learning, eliminating bias, and addressing cultural concerns in the workplace. 

Varun Madan added how technology can scale and reach a wider audience while eliminating bias in assessments. AI tools can help identify nuanced skill gaps, improve diagnostic accuracy, and reduce the impact of managerial bias. The importance of AI-led diagnostics and peer-to-peer interaction in learning journeys was underscored, offering a more personalised approach to employee development.

Cultural transformation and the importance of skilling were also central to the discussion. Speakers underscored the need for organisations to evolve their cultures to stay relevant in the face of technological advancements and market shifts. The role of culture ambassadors in bridging the gap between leadership and employees was highlighted as a critical factor in driving successful change.

The Leader’s Role in Promoting Resilience and Tech Adoption

The role of leaders in fostering resilience and promoting tech adoption was a focal point of the session. Leaders were encouraged to engage in self-reflection and adopt customised approaches to tech adoption and capability building within their organisations. By setting an example and supporting their teams, leaders can drive meaningful change and ensure their organisations are well-prepared for future challenges.

In a rapidly changing technological landscape, the simplification of technology for employees was emphasised. Speakers shared experiences of techno stress caused by excessive information availability and uncertainty on its usage. Organisations were advised to simplify technology, tailoring it to individual needs and roles to reduce stress and improve efficiency.

The discussion also touched on the importance of soft skills and cultural adaptability. While hard skills are constantly evolving, soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork are essential for long-term success. Organisations were advised to focus on developing these skills to build a more resilient and adaptable workforce.

Effective Resource Management

There is a critical importance of effective resource management in fostering resilience, upskilling, and adaptability within organisations.

Ensuring that employees have access to necessary resources and robust support systems is essential for their ability to thrive in rapidly changing environments.

The discussion also focused on managing transitions in industries undergoing rapid transformation, especially in technology and sustainability sectors. The role of senior leaders was emphasised in driving organisational change as they act as catalysts for transformation. These leaders exemplify change through their actions, guiding teams through complex discussions and transitions.

A holistic approach to resilience and leadership development was underscored as crucial. This approach addresses various facets including mindset, skill sets, and tools, all of which are essential for fostering sustainable and impactful organisational change. 

This comprehensive strategy ensures that organisations are well-equipped to navigate challenges and capitalise on opportunities in dynamic business landscapes.

Building a Stronger Workforce for Tomorrow

The session concluded with a call to action for organisations to embrace resilience, upskilling, and adaptability as foundational elements of their strategic growth. By investing in their employees’ development and fostering a collaborative and supportive culture, organisations can navigate the complexities of today’s business landscape and emerge stronger and more resilient.

This insightful discussion provided a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies for HR leaders and organisations looking to build a more resilient and agile workforce in the face of technological advancements and market disruptions.To delve deeper into advancing tech and its impact on work and employee experience, join us at People Matters TechHR India 2024.

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