The burnout epidemic: Why it’s happening and how to fix it

According to a recent poll by MyPerfectResume, a staggering 88% of workers are feeling burned out. This isn’t just an individual issue – it’s a major problem for businesses, leading to increased absenteeism, conflict, and turnover. But why is burnout so widespread? And what can managers do to combat it?

Top 5 Causes of Burnout

Too Many Meetings:

Excessive or poorly organized meetings drain energy and morale.

Think critically before scheduling a meeting – is it truly necessary?
Consider alternative communication methods like emails or quick chats.
Stick to agendas and time limits during meetings.
Designate “no meeting days” to allow for catch-up and focus.

Too Little Autonomy:

Employees crave control over their work to feel empowered and engaged.

Trust your employees and avoid micromanaging.
Focus on results rather than specific methods of work.
Offer flexible work arrangements whenever possible.
Let employees choose their professional development paths.

Lack of Role Clarity:

Uncertainty about expectations breeds anxiety and frustration.

Provide detailed job descriptions outlining responsibilities.
Hold regular one-on-one meetings to clarify priorities and offer feedback.
Remind employees of their valuable contributions to the team.

Responsibilities Unrelated to Their Job:

Being asked to perform tasks outside of one’s role can lead to resentment.

Minimize these instances and provide proper training when necessary.
Show appreciation for employees who step up to help.

Toxic Work Environment:

Negativity, gossip, and incivility create a toxic atmosphere that erodes well-being.

Address toxic behavior promptly and directly.
Foster a psychologically safe environment where everyone feels valued.
Encourage team-building activities and positive interactions.
Create opportunities for open communication and feedback.

The Impact of Burnout on Businesses

Burnout doesn’t just affect employees; it can cripple a company’s performance:

Increased Absenteeism: Employees may take sick leave or stress leave due to burnout.
Conflicts and Outbursts: Frustration and exhaustion can lead to negative interactions with colleagues.
High Turnover: Burned-out employees are more likely to quit, leading to recruitment and training costs.

3 Tips for Managers to Combat Burnout

Talk to Your Employees:

Hold regular one-on-one meetings to assess workloads, discuss concerns, and explore solutions.
Ask for feedback on how to improve their work experience.

Openly Discuss Burnout:

Organize presentations or workshops on mental health and stress management.
Provide resources and information relevant to your industry’s stressors.
Dedicate time in staff meetings to discuss signs of burnout and coping strategies.
Encourage employees to share their ideas for creating a less stressful workplace.

Support Burnout Prevention Efforts:

Ensure employees take breaks, including lunch away from their desks.
Incorporate dedicated time for self-care and relaxation into the workday.
Respect personal time by avoiding communication outside of work hours.
Encourage the use of PTO for rest and rejuvenation.
Lead by example and prioritize your own well-being.


Burnout is a serious issue that demands attention. By understanding its causes and implementing effective solutions, managers can create a healthier, more productive work environment for everyone. Remember, a happy and engaged workforce is the foundation of a successful business.

The post The burnout epidemic: Why it’s happening and how to fix it appeared first on Business Management Daily.

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