Top tips on how to look confident in a job interview

An interview is an important step in the employment process. It has a significant impact on the moral factor, as the interview facilitates closer acquaintance and generally establishes contact.

However, almost everyone, when they see an invitation to an interview in their email, starts to worry – “What if everything goes wrong?”. That’s why we’re going to give you some top tips on how to feel confident in a job interview.

Top tips for a successful interview

The main goal of every job interview is to advertise yourself as a specialist. However, due to excessive anxiety, people often fail to concentrate, cannot highlight the main points, and present themselves poorly.

This anxiety is not crazy, as a job is a critical factor for everyone, and the interview stage is decisive in determining whether you will be hired. However, so that these worries do not prevent you from passing the interview efficiently and successfully, we offer some tips below that will boost your confidence and help you prepare for the conversation.

Research the company you want to work for

The first and main mistake is low awareness. Employees may very typically ask questions such as: “Why do you want to work for us?”, “What do you know about the company?”, “Have you looked at our website (or social media account)? How do you like them?” and so on.

Therefore, we advise you to research the goal, vision, objectives, and working methods of the company you are going to interview.

For example, if it’s a singing waiters London job, you should check out what the requirements will be for you in the process. Go to their website and check out the working conditions, the specifics of the setlist, the duration of the performances, and the salary.

We also recommend you familiarize yourself with the company’s products or services.

Visual representation

Since the pandemic, companies have been actively conducting interviews online. This is quite convenient, given that you don’t waste time on the way and waiting in the reception area, where you can get even more nervous.

However, an interview at home via video call shouldn’t be done in your pajamas. We advise you to follow the dress code and dress appropriately.

Prepare a special area for the interview

The visual image will be complemented by the interior in which you will be interviewed. If it’s a video call, we recommend that you clean one side of your apartment in advance. However, make sure that there is no unmade bed, piles of clothes, or unwashed dishes in the background.

Details such as household clutter should be left out of the picture because not every employer is ready to know such secrets about you. You can also set up a laptop there in advance, adjust the light if necessary, and bring a glass of water.

Answer honestly, but play with the wording

Usually, at the interview stage, people are ready to tell the employer that they can do just about anything, know more than other candidates for the position, and can learn quickly. 

But we don’t recommend telling a lie. This can have very negative consequences. In addition, the employer will want to test these skills in practice, and this can put you in an awkward position. 

Additional questions = interest

Often a company representative asks a candidate different questions. And if the employer has another question after each one, this may indicate a positive result. 

However, not only the employer can ask questions, but you can too. It will help clarify important points that may be of concern to you. 

In addition, it will again indicate your personal interest in the company and the position. And this is an important factor that employers will pay attention to. 

The post Top tips on how to look confident in a job interview appeared first on HR News.

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