Unlocking the (New) Value Nexus: 8 reasons to attend the People Matters TRWC Conference

In 2024, McKinsey’s research uncovered a crucial insight: companies that centre their strategy around talent consistently outperform rivals, delivering superior returns to shareholders. This underscores the role of total rewards and well-being in retaining companies’ top talent. Total reward strategies now require a tailored approach, driving engagement and growth. Reimagining strategies that incentivise the right skills and strategies is the need of the hour. But how do we craft such strategies? How is the rise of rewards tech shaping employee experience? What are the drivers of collective growth and synergy? 

To seek answers to these questions and gain insights into the future of business, we bring you the People Matters TRWC Conference 2024. 

Here are eight compelling reasons why you must attend the conference:

A theme that weaves growth, wellbeing, and sustainability

A culture rooted in overall well-being and dynamic growth reflects the future of work. With a dynamic theme – ‘The (New) Value Nexus: Weaving Growth, Wellbeing & Sustainability’, ​​explore the evolving landscape of designing rewards, crafting strategies for employee well-being, and the convergence of innovation and rewards tech. Delve into the three pillars which cater to a diverse range of business and talent challenges:

Tailor for Change: Designing Total Rewards in Micro & Macro Transformation
Tailor for Alignment: Crafting Strategies for Individual & Business Success
Tailor for Impact: The Rise of Rewards Tech and the Innovation Agenda

With a strong emphasis on employee well-being and financial stability, these pillars provide a holistic approach to curating personalised career paths for growth and success.

Explore India’s most progressive rewards and well-being expo 

With innovative tech solutions, witness how the approach to total rewards, wellbeing, and performance is being revolutionised. Enhance your talent strategies and build partnerships to amplify engagement levels and organisational success. Learn how to achieve tailored data-driven solutions while augmenting sustainable growth.

Learn and engage with dynamic leaders

Uncover the nuances of well-being and rewards management from renowned industry leaders. From Aarti Srivastava, Capgemini India to Satish Kannan, MediBuddy, Dr Saumya Goyal, Genpact, Pritam Roy Chaudhary, Tata Steel, Pallavi Nanda, Flipkart, among others, there is a spectacular line-up of speakers to learn best practices from. Click here to view the complete list of speakers.

Enhance your skills with ‘Experiential Masterclasses’

Gain a hands-on experience designed to elevate your skills and inspire personal growth. These masterclasses are crafted to offer a unique opportunity to reshape your capabilities. Participate in interactive sessions that blend cutting-edge tools and techniques, guided by global experts. Learn and experience ideas in real time, that extend beyond mere knowledge.

Tread the path to innovative learning

Learn from CHROs, HR Heads, industry leaders, and Rewards & Wellbeing Heads of leading firms. Delve into impactful keynotes, innovative fireside chats, in-depth case studies, and a stellar panel of discussions around the strategies for dealing with evolving work environments and fostering well-being. This is a must-attend event if you aim to shape the future of business and work. 

Forge meaningful connections

Here’s your chance to converse and build connections with over 400 attendees, participate in more than 35 interactive sessions, network with over 25 of our partners, and hear from around 40 speakers. This diverse congenial atmosphere would provide unparalleled opportunities to connect with experts on reward management and well-being.

Redefining the future with our partners

As you gather to rethink strategies for revolutionising employee well-being, share the space with some of the most influential firms – Aditya Birla Capital, SAP, Aon, Zeta, Sodexo, AdvantageClub, Medibuddy, Mercer, Cult.Fit, Vantage Circle, Betterly, and Pinnacle, among others. This conference is your opportunity to collaborate with leading names in the industry.

Multi-dimensional range of business solutions

The conference presents a full spectrum of total rewards and well-being with a blend of key insights and technology. Explore solutions that navigate emerging trends such as hazard pay for climate-sensitive regions, earned wage access (EWS), and gamified rewards. Learn more about impactful strategies to equip employees with tools and resources for financial stability. The transformative potential of rewards technology in accelerating organisational growth stands as one of the key agendas. 

We invite you to experience the opportunity to transform your organisation. By bringing in leaders and experts across various domains, the People Matters TRWC Conference 2024 on November 14 at Leela Ambience, Gurgaon delves into a holistic approach to renew workplace dynamics. Register here and be the beacon of light for your organisation’s success!


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