Unveiling the Future of Work in APAC: An HR Industry Research Survey

The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region is a microcosm of human capital dynamism.

From burgeoning economies to established powerhouses, the talent landscape presents a compelling opportunity to analyze emerging trends in the HR industry. Countries like India, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, and Australia all differ in their economic and demographic realities, yet remain united in their ambitions to grow and build for a more productive future.

HR today is central to driving business growth and raising workforce productivity. Over the past few years, the industry has taken significant steps to evovle into a vital business partner and drive impact.

But much of the journey remains. The next 12-18 months pose major threats to established talent management practices, with technologies like AI and automation driving large-scale human capital shifts. With these challenges also come opportunities that the HR industry— HR leaders, talent consultants, HR tech providers, CxOs, and employees — as a whole can leverage to further deliver business success.

To this end, People Matters brings you its exclusive and comprehensive research study: The State of HR Industry 2024. A research study that will shed light on the strategic shifts that are reshaping the future of work in APAC.

The Need

Business leaders today put HR at the front and centre of their vision of change. Mission-critical functions like hiring the best talent, developing skills, and retaining top performers, while ensuring workforce agility and sustainability to drive change have led to HR evolving from a passive, compliance-led role to a more active partner in business success.

To ensure the HR industry can respond to rapidly shifting business demands, there is a need for a study that maps HR expectations both from the HR function perspective to that of tech and talent experts who enable HR leaders to transform and lead business impact. A study that brings together the myriad of perspectives, opinions, and insights from different stakeholders across APAC to truly transform the HR industry.  A study that delves deep into buyer needs, mindset shifts, strategic business shifts, employee preferences, tech innovations and much more, while providing a platform for the disparate voices reshaping the HR industry for the next 12-18 months. For all this, and a lot more, we are proud to present the State of HR Industry 2024.

Critical areas of focus

Currently in its response gathering stage, the research initiative will delve into the following key areas:

Evolving HR Operating Models: The traditional, siloed approach to HR is giving way to more agile and data-driven models. The study will track this transformation, examining how HR functions are integrating with core business strategies and leveraging technology for enhanced efficiency.

Relevance and evolution of HR Tech Solutions: Technology is transforming every facet of business, and HR is no exception. The study will assess the evolving landscape of HR technology solutions, focusing on areas such as talent acquisition, performance management, and employee well-being. It will explore how HR leaders are leveraging these solutions and track how investments in HR tech are shifting in response to their needs. Strategies to optimize their implementation while keeping a lookout for future changes will be a key part of the final report.

Resurgent Business Trends:  APAC’s economic landscape is undergoing a metamorphosis. The research will identify resurgent business trends, such as the rise of the gig economy and the growing importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations. It will then analyze how HR practices are adapting to these trends to attract and retain top talent.

The findings of this research will be of paramount importance to HR and across the APAC region. By understanding the strategic shifts, operating model transformations, and the critical role of HR technology, they can make informed decisions that will empower their organizations to thrive in the ever-evolving talent market.

Calling all HR leaders: let your voice be heard

To ensure the research captures nuanced perspectives, HR leaders across APAC are invited to contribute to our survey. The research survey welcomes HR leaders, practitioners, business partners, and functional heads to share their experiences, challenges, and best practices in navigating the dynamic HR landscape.

By participating, HR leaders can not only shape the direction of the research but also gain valuable insights from their peers across the region.  This collaborative effort will ultimately contribute to building a more robust and future-proof HR ecosystem in APAC.

Click here to participate in our survey today!

HR tech solution leaders: this is your chance too

If you are a leader in the HR tech or services space, we will be happy to hear from you as well. The State of HR Industry 2024 welcomes you to take part in the survey and let us know what critical areas are you focusing on in the next 12-18 months. Help us decode the evolution journey of HR solutions to better enable HR to deliver business impact and share your opinions on how you see the next 12-18 months shape the future of HR. Participate in our survey today!

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