Why remote working isn’t working for your business and how you can turn it around

Remote working has dominated many industries over the last few years, largely in response to the global pandemic. However, more and more businesses are now reversing their hybrid working policies, believing that remote work is no longer a good fit.

So to help organizations adapt successful remote working policies that benefit both the business and its employees, the team at Craft.do, the company building the future of documents, have highlighted six things that need to be considered. 

Remote working or working from home offers numerous benefits for both employees and employers. From increased flexibility and reduced commute time and costs, to improved productivity and gaining access to global talent, it offers many advantages. 

However, if you’ve incorporated remote working into your business and into your teams, it’s important to ensure that it’s working for the business and proving to be a success. If not, you run the risk of your teams being out of sync with each other, staff members not working to their full potential and in some cases, a poor work life balance. 

For a successful business, and looking more granularly, a successful team, you need to ensure that you have the most up to date tools, alongside clear goals and workflows.

A spokesperson for Craft Docs comments: “Since the global pandemic in 2020, many businesses around the world have made a switch to remote working. However, some businesses are now slowly removing these policies and are asking for their staff to go back to the office on a more regular basis. 

“For these companies in particular, many feel like remote working is no longer working for their business. But instead of bringing in a blanket ‘ban’ or restrictions on remote working, it’s worth asking WHY business leaders feel this way.

“To ensure that remote working is a success in your organization, it’s vital to ensure your staff have what they need to do their jobs, with strong communication and working tools being at the forefront of this success.” 

Craft.do, have highlighted six things that businesses must consider for their business to succeed remotely: 

Is your business communicating properly? 

It’s important to make sure that your business fosters open lines of communication between staff at all levels. When working remotely, use tools that allow instant messaging, video conference and project management software so that nothing gets missed. Encourage regular one-to-one check-ins between staff and management, alongside team meetings with wider teams, allowing staff to address concerns and provide guidance. 

Have your employees got the right tools? 

When working remotely, your staff and wider business must have the right tools at their disposal to be able to work in the most efficient and effective way possible. Tools such as Craft Docs allow staff to collaborate on ideas, manage projects and change workflows across the business, as well as announce news to the whole company. 

Define clear goals for your employees

Make sure that you set transparent and measurable goals for your employees, as this will enable them to understand what they’re working towards. Alongside these goals, employees should also have clear expectations of their work hours, availability and also deliverables. 

Ensure that you’ve provided clear workflows

Once clear workflows and processes are established, you’ll find that it results in smooth coordination and task management. Providing guidelines for things like task delegation, progress tracking and also decision making will help with this. On top of this, encourage the use of shared documents and project management tools for strong collaboration. 

Promote a positive work life balance

In many cases, employees who are working remotely find that the boundaries between work and personal life become blurred. Therefore, it’s important to encourage staff to take regular breaks and ensure that they’re booking off their allotted annual leave. Doing this will help prevent burnout within your business and will improve overall productivity. 

Continue to adapt

Make sure that you’re speaking to your staff on a regular basis, allowing them to discuss any challenges that they may be facing during the working day, while also discussing potential improvements. Leave yourself open to experimentation and ensure that you and the business are willing to change your approaches in order to optimise efficiency. 

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